August 31, 2009


[Fade into the DCWL logo. Though that's all we see, we can hear low, throaty chuckling. The camera pans backward to find a man in a blue pinstriped suit and white Stetson hat. His back is turned to us, though we can see that he is shaking his head. This is, of course, Derrick L. Ford.]

FORD: The DCWL. Lo how the mighty hath fallen.

[He turns toward the camera. A hard smirk crosses his face.]

FORD: Kyle Hayden has the audacity to bring back the DCWL Grand Championship...for who? For what? Save for me and the skinhead, who here could even hold the jock of ANY of the past DCWL champions? Leon Corella? Alton West? They're too busy fighting over a damn jobber belt. Porno Anderson? He couldn't beat Corella or West! Maurice Thompson...

[The smirk disappears. The remaining look is...thoughtful? Apathetic? Difficult to discern.]

FORD: Maurice Thompson is in over his head. Look, I know DCWL history. I know that Skye Ashner was the wide eyed kid in the tournament to crown the first ever Grand Champion. I also know he LOST. Skye Ashner didn't really become "Skye Ashner"...or Grand Champion, for that matter...until he dropped the wide eyed nice guy act and took care of HIMSELF. There's a lesson for you here, young Maurice - you have talent, but fighting for the fans, trying to do the right thing? That's all bullshit. It makes you soft. You won't beat me or Bane with that attitude because you'll never be willing as far as we're willing to go for victory. When that changes...then we'll talk about you being Grand Championship worthy.

[The smirk returns.]

FORD: So of DCWLers, that just leaves me and one Julian Beckson. Bane, we're the only two people who deserve this belt. The Grand Championship should stay in the DCWL, SPW and SOW carpetbaggers be damned. Don't you think Kyle Hayden knows this? Don't you find it odd that the two of us are in the same qualifying match in spite of this? Now, I'm not much into conspiracy theories, but it seems to me as if Hayden and his boy Alloy are trying to make sure NEITHER of us walk away with that title. It wouldn't surprise me if Hayden wanted Thompson to win, just to score some points with the PC crowd.

[He concentrates on his fingernail for a moment.]

FORD: Seems to me like soemone should do something about that. We don't want to give the affirmative to any action that would see the Grand Championship not rest in the hands of those who truly deserve it. I'd confront Hayden myself, but he and I don't really see eye to eye. Perhaps someone with a more...persuasive touch could make them see the error of their ways.

[He stops fidgeting and addresses the camera once more.]

FORD: Either way, Bane, I say may the best man win. I'm sure one of us will. And Kyle...

[The wide, manic grin.]

FORD: Keep my belt shiny. I'm looking forward to you handing it over to me personally. I want you on hand as we christen the Grand just like we christened the Dangerous part of the legacy that is the ERA of DERRICK! L! FORD!

[Fade out.]


[Fade in to the lockerroom backstage in Boise, ID. Sitting on the floor, slumped against a locker, is "Something Better" Wolf Masterson. He's still dressed in his wrestling gear, fresh from his loss to Kevin Alloy. Wolf stares at the ground, the silence punctuated only when he decides to take his frustrations out on the metal lockers behind him.]


[Moody silence.]



[That sound is the door to the locker room. It isn't opened so much as it's kicked down, or at least kicked open while still on it's hinges. Into the room steps a tall(-ish) woman with pale skin, blue eyes, and black hair (complete with a single streak of silver). Mina Eyre strides towards Wolf sporting a black women's tank top with long black pants. She squats down until she's at eye level.]

EYRE: So what's your fucking problem?

[Wolf, rarely at a loss for words but clearly taken aback by what's unfolded, struggles for an appropriate response.]

WOLF: I...lost.

EYRE: Yeah, I saw that.

[Masterson's eyes narrow. His words are a little sharper.]

WOLF: That stooge Alloy baited me into it by trying to get me to wear...

EYRE: Yes, I saw that too.

[Wolf's face turns red.]

WOLF: So then what the hell are you talking about? I'd think someone who'd seen all of that would know why I'm so pissed.

EYRE: Oh I know why you're pissed. I just don't know why you're being such a whiny little bitch about it.

[Now Masterson is on his feet.]

WOLF: What is your damage? Why are you even in the men's locker room? Who are you, anyway?

[Eyre rises to meet him.]

EYRE: First thing's first, watch your gaddamn tone. My name's Mina Eyre and I'm here to make you a proposal.

WOLF: What, by calling me a bitch? Your salesmanship needs a lot of work. And to think, I was going to show you the time of your life when you walked in here.

[Eyre rolls her eyes.]

EYRE: Bite me, jagoff. It wasn't that kind of proposal. Besides, after all that drinking and partying you do I'd be astounded to see your little pecker stand at attention.

[Wolf seems puzzled...until a look of comprehension dawns.]

WOLF: Wait...wait a minute. I remember you! You were at that club last night!

EYRE: I'm surprised you can remember anything with how you were hitting the bottle.

[Comprehension gives way to anger.]

WOLF: What, were you stalking me?

EYRE: I was scouting you.

WOLF: At the club?

EYRE: We wanted to know what we were getting into. My partner and I...

[She sees Wolf about to speak and cuts him off.]

EYRE: My TAG partner and I were looking to break into the league as a Trio. We were looking for someone talented who could fit in with our team concept. Turns out you're already here.

WOLF [mockingly]: Oooh, and what IS this marvelous concept that I'm supposed to help you with.

[Mina smiles, though the only part of her face that moves is her mouth.]

EYRE: It's better if my partner tells you. He has a certain knack for it.

WOLF: Yeah, well, tough shit. I'm quitting anyway, so I can't really help your little trio dream.

[Eyre is somewhere between concerned and angry.]

EYRE: Because of Alloy?

WOLF: Hell yeah. No one does that to me. And if I stay, he'll just target me until I get fired or until he can humiliate me more. I'm not giving him the satisfaction of either.

[Eyre bites her lip. Some of her dark red lipstick smudges on her tooth.]

EYRE: Well, if you want to be a quitter, that's on you. If you want to stay...

[She extends a card.]

EYRE: Call my cell and the three of us will talk.

[Wolf takes it and reads it.]

WOLF: Yeah, whatever. I'll think about it.

[Mina turns to leave. As she walks out, she talks back over her shoulder.]

EYRE: Just remember how long it took to get a job in North America, Wolf, and what types of gimmicks might be waiting for you elsewhere.

[Mina Eyre leaves. Wolf stands there, looking at the card. He reads part of it out loud.]

WOLF: Horrorshow. What the hell?

[With this, we fade out.]








(A steady noise accompanied by some heavy breathing. A voice.)

Breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth. Keep a steady pace, push yourself but don't overexert. Breathe again. Build up your stamina.

(Fade in.)

(We open up outside in a slightly overcast day, but the sun remains shining. Our location appears to be a high school football field surrounded by a red brick track. The bright green grass is cut short in preparation for the upcoming football season but they haven't gotten to marking the field yet. Yellow goalposts are on each end of the field with the standard padding at the bottom to protect any of the players from injuries by running into them.)

(On one sideline of the field is where the numerous bleaches stands for the high school students and parents sit to watch the game. The metal structure looks like it could hold close to a few thousand people. Today, though, they are empty sans for one black child.)

(The child sits leaning forward staring intently at the empty field. His hands are folded across his lap as he almost appears that he is in a prayer. We recognize this young man as the kid that appeared at Julian `Bane' Beckson's door the other night asking for an autograph. Once again he is wearing his old black OWC Bane t-shirt in support of his favorite wrestler and a pair of blue jean shorts.)

(The field and stands are surrounded by a metal chain link fence with an opening in one area to allow the fans in. The fence has seen better days as it's tarnished by rust and age. At one section close to the bleachers, an area of the fence has been pulled up from the ground. It is an opening the younger kids use to sneak into the high school games when they can't afford to pay the $5 admission. A small bike leans up against one part of the fence, more than likely the young boy's that is sitting in the bleachers.)

(The crunching sound that we were hearing early is coming from the man running around the track at a steady pace, arms pumping at his sides with each stride. He is wearing black sweat pants and a grey sweat shirt with a hood that is covering his head. His dirty white sneakers are kicking up red bits of brick each time they crash down against the track. Even though we can't see the man's face, we know who it is.)

(Cut to a close up of the man from the side. We can make out his nose and mouth but nothing else. The picture keeps in stride with the man so we never lose view. Again, we hear the voice, and we recognize it as Julian `Bane' Beckson's, but his mouth does not move. We are hearing his thoughts in a voice over.)

Beckson (V/O):
Keep breathing, keep a steady pace. You are going to need to up your stamina for this upcoming match. They're not going to be cakewalks like your previous two matches. You won't be able to walk over these guys like you were able to walk over Brian Irwin and Kid Way Cool…

(Thinking of KWC seems to make Bane's thoughts wander a little bit.)

Beckson (V/O):
What was that kid thinking? I can understand wanting to make a name for yourself and attacking the biggest and most dangerous person in the place. I can even almost respect that. But I gave him a chance to get out of the entire situation. I gave him a chance twice within the first two minutes of the match. Let me get the easy pin and let bygones be bygones.

But he didn't take the opportunity. He had to try to prove himself more. And when he realized just how deep in he was, he went after my eyes. You DON'T try to fucking blind me. This is my livelihood, my career I just got back, and you can't fuck with that by hurting my eyes. That's why those moves are against the rules. You can permanently injure someone and ruin their career.

That's why I had to do what I had to do. You try to end my career, kid, and you better damn well know for sure that I will end yours…

Concentrate. Breathe.

(For a second, Bane's thoughts go back to the task at hand.)

Beckson (V/O):
Prepare for this match. At least as much as you can. You need to be on top of your game. It's a multi man match with no set number of participants. You don't know how many mystery opponents might show up and want to lay claim to the title. There could be any number of them. You might have to face Jackson Hunter, Curt Olsen, Requiem, the Dark Jester… Hell, even Matt Cole or some other blast from the past might show up… God I hate mystery opponents but I couldn't pass up the opportunity that was presented to me.

(Again Bane's thoughts start to wander, this time back to his old NeWA days and in particularly, the OWC.)

Beckson (V/O):
Fucking mystery opponents… Kurt Swagger, first ballot Hall of Famer, one of the longest running champions in NeWA history, and first rate coward. If guy was so good, why he didn't have the balls to tell me he wanted to face me in the ring? No, he had to go and find Craig Neilson, that bitch, and get himself a match with me as a mystery opponent when he was returning from his injury. He knew I was the dominant force in that ring and he had to prove himself better. But he knew he wouldn't be able to beat me if I knew it was him coming at me. He knew he didn't stand a chance so he did what he had to do.

And it worked. He reigned supreme as OWC champion and I got stuck fighting my mentor.

And OutKast… Darren Knight… had to use the same tricks. I gave him plenty of time to choose a partner for our tag match, he had plenty of time before the match to announce who he was going to bring to the ring. And of course I don't find out until after the match actually starts. And who does that cheap bitch bring in? My own fucking twin brother, the only man in the world who might be able to match my power even if he might lack my skills. I guess his fear of survival and needing to be the king of the mountain overshot any fair play that probably never even crossed his mind.

That's why I had to get out of that fucking place. They just kept me down by not letting me know my opponents. It's the only way I would ever lose and I got fucking SICK of it.

Concentrate. CONCENTRATE! Breathe in, breathe out.

(Again, Bane's thoughts start to go back to the task at hand, but his pace is starting to slow ever so slightly.)

Just keep training and you will be ready. You know Porno Anderson is going to be there and you know he won't put up much of a challenge. Derrick Ford, on the other hand, will be a tough one to beat. He uses underhanded tactics to get ahead and win when he needs to. Sometimes I really can't blame him. Especially when it's obvious that the management obviously want to keep him down. Hell, it should be obvious that they don't want him to have a title when they threw him in my match instead of the other one. They don't want him getting anywhere near it.

I bet that Mr. Hayden is even hoping that I will do the same to Derrick Ford as I did to Kid Way Cool and knock him out of action indefinitely. If I must, I must. It would be a shame to see Derrick Ford go, though. Hopefully he'll know what's good for him and stay away from me. Multi-wrestler matches can be pretty chaotic and it's easy to get hurt in them. I can't always control what I do and who I hit in them. The moves come out without much thought as it's just a survival instinct. Do what you can to destroy everyone else or let everyone else destroy you. And since I am the most dangerous creature in the ring, I'm sure everyone will want to destroy me first.

Which is why you must push yourself. PUSH!

(Bane picks up his speed into one final sprint, not exactly fast but not shabby at all for a man his size. His feet slam into the ground repeatedly as he makes his way around the track one final time. Once he rounds the final turn, he slows quickly and comes to a complete stop in just a few steps. He bends over breathing heavy and places his hands on his knees.)

(In the meantime, the young child who was sitting in the bleaches watching Julian Beckson has stood up and made his way down to the front. He leans against the railing watching his idol intently.)

(Bane tilts his head slightly and glances at the child. Bane then stands straight up, folds his hands together, and places them on the back of his head. He takes a few steps towards the child.)

Are you following me now, kid? Planning on mugging me when I'm alone?

(The kid replies with a huge smile. One that indicates he didn't actually care what Bane said to him, just the fact that he was acknowledged by the monster.)

So what do you want?

(The child, in all of his lispy glory, responds with a confident, if not oblivious, voice.)

Mithter Bane, can I have your autograph pleathe?

Kid, I thought I already told you that I don't give away autographs for free, you have to pay me twenty bucks for them.

(With that, Bane turns away from the kid and begins to walk away. The child, however, isn't finished and reaches into his pocket.)

I made twenty dollarth, mithter Bane, so I could get your autograph.

(Beckson stops dead in his tracks and turns slowly to face the kid.)

You have twenty dollars?

(The kid nods excitedly.)

Who'd you rob to get it, kid? Or did you take it from your crack head mother while she was passed out on the couch?

Mithter Solomon gave it to me.

Mister Solomon? The landlord? That Jew doesn't let one dime out of his site. Hell, I get a twenty five dollar fine for just being an hour late on my rent. Why the fuck would he give you twenty bucks for?

(The child is quite excited now, proud of his accomplishment of getting the money for an autograph.)

He paid me to paint the entire firtht floor hallway. He paid me twenty whole dollarth!

You painted the first floor hallway?

(The kid nods excitedly.)

What color did you paint it? Wait, wait, don't tell me. You painted it black, didn't you? I bet you painted it black so that when the cops come looking for you and your mom, you can camouflage yourself into the wall. They'll never see you that way. Just make sure you don't open your eyes or mouth.

(Julian chuckles to himself.)

Ok, kid, so give me the twenty bucks and I'll give you an autograph.

(The child quickly fishes into his jean shorts and pulls out a crumpled up bill and hands it over to Julian. Beckson irons out the bill to show that it is indeed a twenty dollar bill and holds it up to the sunlight and examines it. He obviously doesn't trust the kid giving him real money and wants to make sure that the bill isn't counterfeit. After a few seconds of this over the top examination, he is satisfied with the bill and shoves it into the pocket of his sweatpants. He looks back down at the kid.)

Alright, what do you want me to sign?

(The child's smile slips as he realizes he doesn't really have anything for Bane to sign.)

Anything kid? I could sign your shirt, a piece of paper, a photo… Hell, I could sign your forehead and you can show everyone of your friends who your master is. Anything at all kid.

I have a pothter of you back in my room…

In your room! That doesn't do you any good here, does it? What do you want me to sign it with? Do you have a pen or Sharpie or anything?

(The look of disappointment on this child's face is quite obvious now. He realizes that he is probably going to go home without his treasured autograph as he doesn't have anything here for Bane to sign nor anything for Bane to sign with. He hasn't walked away yet in hopes that there might be some sort of miracle that Bane himself might produce something to sign and sign with. Bane quickly dashes those dreams.)

Well, kid, I guess you're out of luck. Come back next time with something and we'll get you your autograph.

(With that, Bane turns away from the child and walks towards the exit of the field, not even offering to give the money back to the kid. The kid stands there staring at Bane's back as Bane walks away, taking one swipe at his eyes with the back of his arm.)

(Fade out.)


[Black. We hear two people speaking on the phone.]

WOLF: Mina, it's Wolf. When can we meet?

EYRE: Are you in?

WOLF [agitated]: We'll see. I want to know what I'd be signing up for.

EYRE: We'll meet up in Edmonton. There's a pub down the street from the arena...

[As she says this, fade in to the interior of a pub in Edmonton, AB. The mid afternoon sun comes in through the windows, somewhat obscuring the front of the establishment. Someone walks through the door, though the jaunty walk, popped jacket collar and aviator sunglasses make Wolf Masterson instantly identifiable. He looks around briefly until we see a hand shoot up in the foreground. The hand, feminine with black nail polish, beckons Wolf over to a booth in the back of the room. He nods tersely, striding to join Mina Eyre in the booth. He sits down, looking at Mina's beer for a moment. A waitress wearing a blue t-shirt and white shorts comes over to the table.]

WAITRESS: What can I get you?

WOLF [to Mina]: What do you have?

EYRE: Harp.

[Wolf points at Mina's glass. The waitress nods and heads off. Masterson pulls Mina's card out of his pocket and holds it up to her.]

WOLF: So, do you mind telling me what this is about?

[Mina grins.]

EYRE: It's about offering you a chance to succeed in the DCWL.

WOLF: Look, after what happened...

EYRE: Let's be honest here - you've bounced around long enough to know that chances to work in the States without some creepy gimmick are minimal.

WOLF: Not if they're going to try to saddle me with that kind of crap. I mean, seriously, a werewolf? And don't even get me started on how many promotions thought THAT was a sure winner. I wouldn't have been blackballed in the first place if it wasn't for this lazy bullshit booking. I'm not going out there and dressing up like some over-aggressive furry for anyone.

[Mina sighs, then takes a few chugs of Harp.]

EYRE: Do you really think you're the only one who's been given a crappy horror gimmick, let alone any kind of crappy gimmick? Lazy assholes give us this crap because they're not imaginative enough to envision the possibilities. I mean, hell, I've gotten kicked out of several feds for the exact same reason.

WOLF: They tried turning you into a werewolf?


[With near blazing speed, Mina reaches across the table and slaps Masterson on the side of the head. Much to his consolation, his beer arrived at that moment.]

WOLF: Oww.

[Wolf takes a drink.]

EYRE: Stop interrupting. Anyway, I only broke into the scene a few years ago. I thought a nickname would help me stand apart, something strong. I went with "The Vamp" because I thought it had a cool sound and a strong connotation. So here I am, Ms. Cool and Strong, and I get stuck with...

[Wolf's eyes light up as he puts things together.]



WOLF: OWW! What is your damage?!


[The pub goes silent. Mina stood up without realizing it and, grumbling, sits back down again. Wolf has drained a good half his beer by this point.]

EYRE: Anyway, you know what happened next. Get the gimmick, tell them to get fucked, get fired with a "bad attitude" rap. Been bouncing around ever since.

WOLF: And your partner, I take it, is in our boat too?

EYRE: Kinda. He doesn't have the bad attitude rep.

WOLF: Then what's the problem?

EYRE: Well he DID still get stuck with the stupid horror gimmick, even if he's too committed to quit over it. In his case, though, it wasn't lazy booking...they were trying to protect the roster.

[Masterson furrows his brow.]

WOLF: What do you mean?

EYRE: When he wrestled his normal style, every match turned violent. Like REALLY violent. If you stood across the ring from him, you knew two things: you were in for a brutal fight and you'd probably be busted open by the end of the night. He's a tough bastard, as tough as I've ever met. Didn't always win, but always left a mark. No one wanted any part of him, so in order to keep fighting he had to come up with the cartoony alter-ego and tone down his style.

WOLF: So we're getting a cartoon?


[Masterson was ready for Eyre this time, blocking her hand before it could make contact with his head. She retracts the limb with a "grumph."]

EYRE: Are we cartoons? No, no we're getting the real McCoy. I'm amazed Kyle Hayden's even considering it, really. Joe must have made some kind of promise.

[Wolf gets a little smirk on his face. His beer is almost gone.]

WOLF: So what retarded gimmick was he? Boogey man? Mummy? Frankenstein?

VOICE: Zombie, actually.

[Wolf turns as his jaw drops. Mina Eyre leaps out of her seat and hugs the man who has just joined them at the table. Scars litter his forehead and forearms. The flannel shirt and scraggly brown hair combine with the voice to let DCWL fans know who's arrived...

...even though he isn't yelling "BRRRRAAAAIIIIINNNNSSSS" at the top of his lungs.]


PANSAC: In the flesh...

[A scar on his arm catches his attention, as if he's never seen it before.]

PANSAC:...for the most part.

WOLF: I thought she had to be joking...I didn't think there was any way...

PANSAC: Well if you know who I am you know why I've created this little team. I earned the "Deadman" nickname because in my matches someone didn't walk out. Hell, in some cases neither man did. I worked my ass off to earn that rep, but some guys didn't like it. They didn't want the fight brought to them like I could bring it. Enough of them cropped up until they turned me into a harmless zombie character. You do what you have to do to keep food on the table, but I vowed as soon as I could to make sure no one has to go through that indignity again. That's how I found Mina here, and that's what led us to you.

WOLF: So you definitely want me as part of your trio?

PANSAC: Well, yeah. You fit the mold and have talent coming out of your ears. If you do this, though, I need your full commitment to the team. No showing up late. No picking fights with Kevin Alloy. No staying out at bars until three am every night.

[Wolf slouches a tad at that last one.]

PANSAC: Do that and there's no stopping us.

WOLF: What about my penalties? Sure I'll be trying to keep in line but that oaf doesn't need much of an excuse to dish out penalties. Anything happens and I'm on the fourth level.

[A small, friendly smile from the Deadman.]

PANSAC: Leave that to me. I think Kyle can be persuaded to be leniant. So, whadda ya say?

[Wolf looks to Joe, then to Mina, then to the waitress bearing two more beers and a shot of whiskey. Each takes their glass.]

WOLF: Well, Mina's a spitfire and you're a tough bastard. The two of you would make an awesome team on your own. Add in my talent and you get...Something Better.

[Wolf raises his beer while Pansac lifts the whiskey. Eyre, a half second slow on account of trying to parse Masterson's statement, lifts the other glass.]

PANSAC: Then here's to new beginnings. Let's show the DCWL what a real Horrorshow we can be.

[Fade to the sound of clinking glasses.]

August 30, 2009

More information on Grand Championship qualifiers.

Earlier this week, the DCWL revealed the nature of the two matches to determine the contenders to the DCWL Grand Championship. Both matches will be a timed battle royale. Two competitors will start, and after six minutes and every six minutes thereafter a new competitor will enter the match. Elimination occurs via pinfall or submission until only one remains.

Qualifiers already announced include Alton West, Porno Anderson, Leon Corella, Maurice Thompson, Derrick L. Ford and Julian Beckson.

We are now pleased to announce more entrants into the qualifiers. From the last incarnation of the DCWL, Mario Speedwagon and Paul Doom will enter the matches! My Little Pony and Hot Wheels fans rejoice!

Spirit of Wrestling will be sending two competitors to Edmonton as well: One Winged Angel has been sent on a mission given from God to obtain the DCWL Grand Championship at any cost. Also from SOW, Andy Newman will attempt to qualify for the Grand Championship. Will this 19-year-old phenom make good in this test and finally shed the name Mr. Potential.

Finally, one Shootfire Pro star has registered to appear in the qualifier. Details are hazy, and the DCWL office doesn't want to give up who exactly will make the trip to "Citation Needed" to qualify for the title. Contract negotiations are ongoing.

DCWL Classic - Tawny Blake v. Curt Olsen

One of the more heated rivalries in DCWL history involved arguably the most skilled wrestler ever to join the roster. Curt Olsen came to the Dangerous Creations Wrestling League with the subtlety of a garbage truck. Calling himself "The Saviour" (he was from Canada, whaddya gonna do?), Olsen's goal was to take the quality of competition in the DCWL to another level.

Eventually, he came face-to-face with one competitor who many considered to be very heart and soul of the DCWL, "The First Lady" Tawny Blake. Indeed, at the time this match took place, Blake already had two Grand Championships to her name (only one of three in history to have recorded this accomplishment), not to mention being the first Grand Champion, and essentially having held every major belt the DCWL had to offer at some point.

Olsen defeated Blake at Operation Plunderland for the DCWL Platinum Championship by using a variety of mind games. After Olsen revealed his scheme, Blake petitioned for a re-match. However, Olsen only consented on the condition the re-match was non-title.

August 15, 2009

NEWZ UPDATE - August 15, 2009


  • Kid Way Cool is reporting occasional disorientation and dizziness after his match with Bane. KWC is still being evaluated, but it is assumed he suffered a concussion at the hands of Julian Beckson.
  • Alton West has been placing frequent phone calls to the office of the Deputy Commissioner regarding Leon Corella taking possession of his DCWL Maple Leaf Championship. Although no official statement has been made by the Deputy Commissioner, Kevin Alloy has been overheard to say, "[he] is not [West's] dad," and "[West] can get his own damn vanity belt back."
  • Rumors abound that a new trio is forming. When questioned, DCWL management would not disclose the particulars, due to ongoing contract negotiations.
  • With the awarding of Grand Championship due to take place next month, expect articles on the history of the title to appear on the DCWL blog. As well, we hope to show you never before seen footage from the last Grand Championship match in 2008, and interviews with former Grand Champions.
  • Open invitations have been extended to the roster of Shootfire Pro and Spirit of Wrestling to qualify for the Grand Championship.
  • Dan Clear's absence from the last show is reportedly part of a special investigation, in which he hopes to bring new talent to the eyes of DCWL management.
  • As is traditional for the DCWL, if it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing. "Plunderland '09" will include the "Devil's Death Haunted Hell Plunder" match which will take place in the parking lot outside the Round-up Center in Calgary. Details are scant, but it will reportedly include things blowing up.


  • Injuries: Although he has appeared in SOW, Brian Irwin has not yet been cleared to wrestle by DCWL doctors. As well, Kid Way Cool is out indefinitely.


War of the Words – August 26, 2009
(Flashes due Tuesday, August 25, 2009, 11:59 pm EST)

Show #4 – “Citation Needed”
September 2, 2009 – Edmonton, Alberta
  • COMPLETE CONTROL v. UNIQUE ELEMENT - No Countout Elimination Match
  • MAX TURBO (c) v. DERRICK FORD or B.A. JIVE - Dangerous Championship
  • GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFYING MATCH #1 - Maurice Thompson, Leon Corella, Alton West, others TBA
  • GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFYING MATCH #2 - Bane, Porno Anderson, Derrick Ford (if approved), others TBA
  • Plus! DAN CLEAR introduces a non-hobo! Stars from Shootfire and SOW! Maybe we'll actually see BLUE Matsuyama!

Show #5 – “Plunderland ’09: Plunder Harder”
September 23, 2009 – Calgary, Alberta
  • The DCWL Grand Champion is crowned!
  • "Devil's Death Haunted Hell Plunder" Match!

Show #6 – “Overdrawn at the Memory Bank”
October 14, 2009 – Bismarck, North Dakota

Show #7 – “Death of a Ladies' Man”
November 4, 2009 – Thunder Bay, Ontario

Show #8 – “Drink Black Hole Brew”
November 25, 2009 – Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Show #9 – “Ark of Tri-ocalypse”
December 16, 2009 – St. Paul, Minnesota

Show #10 – “The Year We Make Contact”
January 6, 2010 – Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


August 11, 2009

DCWL #3 - August 12, 2009 - Boise, Idaho - "Fast Cars, Danger, Fire and Knives"

[Meanwhile, in the audience…]

MOSES: “General seating… general seating…”

[Annoyed Samoan Moses and Annoyed Samoan Offramp are milling through the crowd, glancing at a pair or tickets. They are in their ring gear, with the Trio belts around their waist. Offramp carries a posterboard under his arm. It reads, “IF CENA WINS WE WILL EAT HIM.”]

OFFRAMP: “General seating means I can take up two folding chairs, right?”

MOSES: “I assume so. Say, where’s Ozzie?”

OFFRAMP: “I sent him off for Sno-cones.”

MOSES: “Offramp, they don’t sell Sno-cones here.”

OFFRAMP: “Oh, you misunderstand; I sent him off to the concession to make an operating Sno-cone machine, so we could have Sno-cones.”

MOSES: “Clever… clever…”

[The fan they sit down beside takes immediate notice.]

FAN: “Hey, aren’t you the Annoyed Samoans.”

[Moses is instantly defensive.]

MOSES: “Yes, and we don’t dress in our ring gear all the time, okay? We’re dressed like this because it’s quite comfortable, so if you fat Americans would please not judge us.”

OFFRAMP: “Yeah, you probably think us wearing the belts around all the time is something all Samoan wrestlers do too!”

FAN: “Uh… No… I just wanted an autograph…”

MOSES: “Oh.”


MOSES: “Well, okay. No problem. Umm… Offramp, you wouldn’t happen to have a pen would you?

[Offramp frisks through his belongings.]

OFFRAMP: “Um… yeah… That’s the funny thing about always wearing your ring gear is that you don’t have any pockets.”

MOSES: “Never one around when you need one… Tell you what, let me stab your arm and I can sign an autograph in your blood, okay?”

[The fan leaps out of his seat.]

FAN: “AAAH! Ah no! No thanks! Sorry for bothering you… I gotta go sit somewhere else, okay?”

[He takes off. Moses slumps back into his seat.]

MOSES: “Well… That’s just typical. No one wants to sit by the Samoan. No, something might hit the Samoan in the head and deflect into you. All Samoans have super hard heads.”

OFFRAMP: “And where is my Sno-cone?”

[The lights flicker and the sound system crackles.]

OFFRAMP: “Oh, that must be him now!”

MOSES: “Say, Offramp, wasn’t there an ion storm forecast for today?”

OFFRAMP: “Well, it was an ion storm *watch*, so there was just the possibility ion storms would develop over low-lying areas, so I wouldn’t worry about—”

[The picture violently rips apart in a blaze of light and just as quickly reassembles itself. Ozzie is now sitting beside Offramp with a tray full of Sno-cones.]

OFFRAMP: “Great! I’ll take the blue ones!”

[Offramp snatches half of the Sno-cones in his fist and starts devouring them.]

OZZIE: “Spaghetti.”

MOSES: “Offramp, was it just me or did we just encounter a rip in the fabric of space-time?”

[Offramp wipes blue ice from his face.]

OFFRAMP: “Probably just a Level 2 Keter Space-time Dimension Rift brought on by the ion storm and Ozzie’s Sno-cone machine. Nothing to worry about. Mmm, you can really taste the blue…”

MOSES: “Well, yes, but everything looks slightly different. I can recognize everything, but somehow it just doesn’t quite look the same…”

OFFRAMP: “Look, Level 2 Keter Space-time Dimensional Rifts only affect flash memory drives and Playstation 2 memory cards. So it’s all good.”

MOSES: “Yeah I guess you’re right.”

[The Annoyed Samoans sit back.]



[Cut to Boise, Idaho, where about 200 fans, paid and comped, fill three sides of seating around the constantly redecorated ring. At the entrance sits Rich Manning, Christian Chazz and one of the DCWL’s trained snipers.]

RM: “Welcome DCWL fans to Boise, Idaho, and welcome to the third instalment of the Dangerous Championship Wrestling League. This is ‘Fast Cars, Danger, Fire and Knives!’ And Chazz, this is the home of the DCWL Dojo, and I was just talking to GRRR Guy. He says that he’s seeing some of the best talent in years filling the DCWL roster.”

CC: “Really? All he ever says to me is ‘Viva Mexico.’ I’m starting to think he’s not really from Mexico…”

RM: “You think, gringo? In any case, we’ve got some score to settle from our last show, ‘Ruckus In The Rockies.’ This re-match was ordered after the last match between Complete Control and Unique Element ended like this:



CC: “Yeah, not exactly the best way to make an impression… with a countout.”

RM: “Well, tonight’s the re-match, and with the Annoyed Samoans looking on in the crowd, you have to think that the team that wins this match is going to be in the hunt for the Trios Championship. Let’s take it to the ring, and Buckley Luck.”




WINNERS – Unique Element (John Blackstock counted out, 13:17)

CC: “What? Again?!”

RM: “Another win by count-out, but this time turnabout is fair play!”

CC: “Not according to that pig… Look at Blackstock!”

[John Blackstock leaps back into the ring and tackles Gabe Lindsay. Wilson and Gunderson try to pull them apart, but the other members of Complete Control jump into the fray and it’s another pier six brawl in the trios division.]

CC: “Hell, I’d be pissed about that result too, but jeez, these six are really getting after it.”

RM: “Officials swarming down the aisle… there’s the Deputy Commissioner… finally Unique Element and Complete Control get separated… Looks like the Deputy Commissioner has something to say.”

CC: “Probably going to hand out fines like Halloween candy here.”

[In the ring, Kevin Alloy and a pair of referees separate Unique Element and Complete Control from each other.]

ALLOY: “All right, all right, you guys. You three and you three need to get this out of your system, so here’s what we’re going to do. We’ve got a show in Edmonton next and I want you guys there. You three…”

[He points to Gunderson, Wilson, and Lindsay.]

ALLOY: “…And you three.”

[To Quinney, Preston, and Blackstock.]

ALLOY: “You’re going to face each other in an elimination match, and I’m waiving the countout rule for that match.”

[He glances at both parties.]

ALLOY: “And the winner is going to face the Annoyed Samoans later that night for the Trios Championship.”

[He points to Gunderson, Wilson, and Lindsay.]

ALLOY: “You all right with that?”

[Unique Element nods. Alloy points to Quinney, Preston, and Blackstock.]

ALLOY: “You?”

[Complete Control seem to agree.]

ALLOY: “All right then, gents. Settle it in Edmonton.”

RM: “There you have it, Complete Control versus Unique Element in an elimination match with no countouts? Sounds like the one way to find out who the better team is.”

CC: “Are you kiddin’? What’s going to happen when they take the leash off of Blackstock? We’ve already got those relaxed DQ rules, and Unique Element fight a clean match! I’m thinking they might be in over their head.”

RM: “Still, for two teams of relative rookies to get a shot at the Trios Championship? That’s big news.”

CC: “And up next is Leon Corella, right?”

RM: “That’s right. Leon Corella may be a new name to the DCWL, but he sure isn’t a new name to wrestling. Blaze Crimson is with Leon Corella right now, Blaze, over to you.


[The scene opens up in a private locker room where we find Leon Corella, shirtless and decked out in full ring gear, seated upon a wooden bench. In his hand is a black I-Pod, two small wires trailing from it to a pair of buds in his ears. His head is slightly nodding back and forth to a rhythm we can't hear as he psyches himself up for his match tonight. Into view steps none other than DCWL's vivacious Blaze Crimson, sporting a form fitting little red dress that left very little to the imagination, her wavy red hair draped over her shoulders and lining her cute, angular face. With a megawatt smile, she settles down across from him on the second bench. He arches a brow and pulls the ear buds from his ears, cutting off the I-Pod. He addresses her with a rough, deep voice...]

Corella- You are either here for one of two things, and considering the camera over there....

[...without looking, Corella points to the camera with a taped finger briefly...]'s either an interview, or you've mistaken me for Porno Anderson...

[Blaze giggles a bit, shaking her head. She speaks in an even, but light tone...]

Blaze- Oh no sir, You're clearly not Anderson, and I definitely do not shoot porn. Let's get right to it, shall we Mr. Corella?

[He nods, and sits up on the bench.]

...What brought you to DCWL?

[...Corella takes in a short breath before speaking...]

Corella- Well, for starters, I'm not the most popular man on the planet. DCWL didn't seem to have the bias towards me that many promotions seem to have. As you are probably aware of, I have a reputation as being a major hell raiser...

[...He Smirks...]

....Thus why it came as a shock to my system when the owner, Kyle Hayden, was actually enthusiastic about having me on board. I still hear my name brought up in some circles with a particular level of disdain.

[...Blaze arches her brow a bit, and smirks...]

Blaze- That assessment of your reputation would be an understatement. I've heard tales of people refusing to work matches with you in some places over that reputation alone.

[...Corella nods, chuckling a bit...]

Corella- Yeah... Well, we can't all be Saints. I speak my mind freely and openly. Sometimes it was hard truth being flung in people's faces like monkey crap at the zoo. Others, it was just me running my mouth about how big and bad I thought I was. Many took offense to that, and simply left their professionalism at the door. You'll get that alot in Pro Wrestling.

[...He taps his chest with a taped fist...]

....To my credit, I never refused a match, and even if I personally despised the guy I was up against, and I didn't work shoddy matches in an attempt to make them look bad either. I put on clinics. If they want to make me look bad, that's on them, but when I come to the ring, I'm there to showcase my skills and make memories. Love me, or hate me, you ask any fan in that ring about Leon Corella, and while they may hate me for who I am, they will always say, "He's a great wrestler."

[...Blaze tilts her head slightly, looking genuinely interested in what he has to say. Whether it's put on or not is debateable...]

Blaze- So you're all about the wrestling?

[...He clasps his hands before him, leaning towards Blaze a bit...]

Corella- That's what it's all about. Not the gimmicks. Not the crazy shit that spills from our mouths onto the microphones and trickles from there to the ears of the people. It's about lacing your boots up, getting in that ring, and proving your worth. Some guys don't quite comprehend that they are there to wrestle, and if they do manage to get ahead despite that, it's all about either their gimmick, the stupid catch phrases they come up with, or a simple matter of polishing their Boss's knob in an expert fashion. I refuse to get on my knees before any man, and that's probably one of the reasons I haven't gotten ahead in this business.

[...She Nods...]

Blaze- I take it you're not much for backstage Politics then, correct?

[...Corella's face scrunches up slightly, as if catching the whiff of a foul odor...]

Corella- No... I'm not. I refuse to play the stupid little games that go on backstage. I prefer the direct approach. Someone pisses me off, I haul their ass out to the ring and take care of it, or just get it over with right there. I want a title shot? I earn it. Those who ask for title shots are soft, panzy asses who want everything handed to them. I don't ask for anything, I take it. By taking my shot, I harden myself that much more for the next guy in line who wants a piece of the action.

[...Clearing her throat, she asks one final question...]

Blaze- What are your thoughts about your competition tonight?

[...A smirk decorates his face. He reaches up with a hand to his chin, both elbows on his knees. His thumb and forefinger stroke that cleft chin ever so slightly, as if carefully weighing his response...]

Corella- Alton West, winner of the DCWL Maple Leaf Championship, a self proclaimed 45th Degree Black Belt, and the first inductee into his very own personal hall of fame. I've watched a couple of his tapes, and he's got some skills. The kid's a bit on the uncoordinated side, and could use some tightening up in his technique, but don't think for one second that I'm going to take him lightly because of that....

[...Corella leans back against the locker, clasping his hands together behind his head as if perfectly relaxed...]

....Wars have been lost over careless action. I may be alot of things, but careless isn't one of them. The kid's in good shape, and has alot of energy. Alton West may have won the genetic lottery, but he has drawn the short straw tonight, for he now has to contend with me, and you know something? I think that when I beat him, I'll take that Maple Leaf Championship home as a souvenier....

[...He snickers...]

....Nothing wrong with a little momento to commemorate my first day back in a wrestling ring afterall. Do you have any other questions Ms. Crimson?

[...She holds her finger up, but before she can say a word, Corella stands...]

Corella- Oh, I'm sorry, I really have to run along now. It's time for me to get in that ring and become Alton West's wakeup call...

[He then heads right past the camera, leaving Blaze standing there with her hands on her shapely hips. Her lips were pursed with an annoyed expression written on her face...]

[...Fade to ringside...]




WINNER – Leon Corella (Game Over, 12:32)

RM: “Big win over Alton West. Alton just can’t seem to catch a break lately.”

CC: “Not that losing ever seemed to stop him from being the Greatest Athlete That Ever Lived.”

RM: “Hey, wait a minute!”

[At ringside, Corella grabs the Maple Leaf Championship belt that Alton West carts around.]

CC: “Aw, come on, it’s just a vanity belt.”

RM: “Well that may be, Chazz, but it’s the only thing Alton West has going for him right now!”

[Corella snaps the belt around his waist and promenades with it. West begins coming to and starts following Corella, but can’t keep up with him as he disappears backstage.


[We cut backstage to the entrance of the arena. One of the metal doors opens, revealing (though hidden by large sunglasses and a popped jacket collar) "Something Better" Wolf Masterson. Masterson carries a bag on his shoulder and is still hobbling slightly.]

Voice: Good evening, WOLF.

[Masterson stops and sighs, waiting for the Deputy Commissioner to catch up to him. Kevin Alloy steps into the shot, looking none too pleased.]

Alloy: We've been taping for forty minutes now.

[Wolf looks on, unimpressed.]

Alloy: You’re late for the show. First offense, one thousand dollars.

Masterson: Then bill me, Sasquatch. I've got more important things to do.

[Wolf turns to walk away. The Deputy Commissioner's eyes narrow behind the sunglasses.]

Alloy: Yeah, BLUE Matsuyama is waiting to have his big match against you. I guess I should have picked an opponent I could rely on, Wolf.

[Wolf stops, dropping his bag on the floor and sighing. He turns to face an angry Alloy.]

Alloy: I s’pose I should’ve known when I saw you resume and how you flaked out on every gig you ever had.

Masterson: Hey I left on my own accord. I didn't have an attitude problem, I just worked for a bunch of dickheads. Nice to know that some things haven't changed.

[Alloy is FURIOUS now.]

Alloy: Second offense. Second tier punishment.

Masterson: Ooh, I'm shaking. What's the punishment for this one, community service?

Alloy: I… uh… also know know what the name ‘Wolf’ means to you. They gave you a werewolf gimmick. You know, I thought it was kind cool, so I went down to the costume shop, got some spirit gum and “full moon” effect for the lights. You know, your big match against BLUE Matsuyama can be as Were-Wolf.

[Wolf becomes noticably paler. After standing slack-jawed for a moment (to Kevin's delight), Masterson shoots back.]

Masterson: Hey, go to hell man. I don't care what authority you have I am NOT going out there in that friggin wolf outfit.

Alloy: Is that refusing a booking assignment I hear?

[Masterson shouts over Alloy.]

Masterson: Damn right I am. I'm not some damn Furry.

[Alloy shouts back.]

Alloy: Third offense! Here is your receipt! You are now canned goods! That’s a third tier punishment.

Masterson: Oh and what's my prize for that?

[Alloy smiles, relishing Wolf's sarcasm.]

Alloy: Me. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go tell BLUE Matsuyama he’s not needed tonight. I’ll see you after the next match.

[Alloy exits. Wolf seems taken aback. It's clearly not what he was expecting. After a moment, though, a small half smile appears on his face.]

Masterson: You know, I kinda like that idea. The headlines write themselves: "Wolf Masterson Slays the Abominable Snowman." You may beat that trainer you have, but let's see what you do against..."Something Better."

[Wolf picks up his bag and leaves. Alloy turns and walks off to his office. In the background, we see Mina Eyre leaning against a wall, watching. She speaks into her cell phone.]

Eyre: I think we have our third.




WINNER – Max Turbo (Lio Kaizer, 14:58)


CC: “Did he make it under the bell?!”

[Leonard Gutman hands the belt to Turbo, who twists into another pose for the camera.]

BUCKLEY: “Your winner… and NEW DCWL Dangerous Champion… MAX… TURBO!!!”

RM: “I thought he was going to lose it when he did that outlandish Lio Kaizer, but he pulled it off!”

CC: “I thought *I* was going to lose it… yeesh, you get a golden opportunity like that and you roll around the ring like a moron?”

RM: “It’s academic, I guess, since Turbo is the champion fair and square with two seconds remaining in the match… three championship matches, three new champions. This Dangerous Championship is one wild belt. Fans, it’s intermission time… let’s take you to Julian Beckson.”


[Cut to Bane WALKING backstage.]

[From out of the corner of the shot, Blaze Crimson comes running up to him.]

Bane! Bane!! Any words before your match tonight?

[Bane stops walking and turns towards her with a quizzical look in his eye.]

What match tonight?

[Slightly confused by the question, Blaze answers him with curiousity in her voice.]

Your match with Kid Way Cool?

Oh, I’m sorry, you must have missed the news update.

Pardon me?

This isn’t going to be a match, it’s a punishment. Didn’t you hear that the Kid reached the second level of offense in the eyes of management? Apparently forking over one thousand of his paycheck last time didn’t teach him anything. The youth have no idea about the value of the dollar these days. I will say that a leap from a one thousand dollar fine to the death penalty is quite a steep price from first offense to second offense but I don’t make the rules here. I do follow them, though.

So you don’t feel that KWC will put up much of a fight?

It depends on what you mean by putting up a fight. If you mean the same type of fight that the field mouse puts up against a python, then sure, I guess the Kid will try to avoid me as much as he can for basic instinct of survival. It’s his own fault though. The mouse should never venture down the snake hole. It’s somewhere it doesn’t belong.

Let’s move onto the Dangerous Championship. There’s a little controversy brewing as Derrick Ford claims it was a fast count that cost him the title. Your thoughts?

Well, I think it was quite obvious that the DCWL had to meet up with some rules and regulations put forth by our current Socialist regime in office right now.

What do you mean?

Have you heard of Affirmative Action Blaze?

Are you implying…

[Bane cuts her off.]

I’m not implying anything. What I saw was a fast count on Ford, slow counts when Ford pinned, what looks like time added to the match so that it wouldn’t be a time limit draw. Everything points at Ford was supposed to lose that match. I’m sure that Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton or someone else from the NAACP came in and bullied management with threats of a lawsuit if BA Jive didn’t get the title. I can’t fault management for that. They just reopened and probably couldn’t afford a big legal battle right now. They just caved into the whims of those people.

And now let’s look at who got the next match. Max Turbo. A Japanese “super hero”. [Bane does the air quotes when he says this] Well of course they’re going to give the shot to a Jap next. And I’m sure after that, the Indian Maurice Thompson will get a shot. Then maybe one of those Samoans will get a shot after him. Then I’m guessing management will sign some Spic to get a shot after that. Really, they should just rename the belt the Affirmative Action championship.

[BC is a little taken aback by this sequence of events as it takes her a couple of seconds to close her jaw and get the look of shock off of her face. She regroups and continues the interview.]

You mentioned Maurice Thompson there. Have you heard his comments on you and what are your thoughts?


Maurice Thompson... you just mentioned him…

Bane: [Oozing with sarcasm]
Oh yeah! Him! The little Indian that could.

[Bane gets more serious.]

Before his first match in his career, he called out me and Derrick Ford. Derrick Ford gets the honor of beating the Hell out of him first, which is actually probably fortunate for Maurice. He’ll realize he made a horrible career choice, tuck his feathers between his legs, and get the Hell out of here before I ever get the opportunity to destroy him even more than Mr. Ford ever could. Maurice isn’t someone I’m really concerning myself with right now, Blaze, if you catch my drift. He’s only had one match and struggled in it. Come talk to me again after his 20th match and see what I say about him.

Actually, don’t bother because he still won’t mean anything to me or this league.

[And with that, Bane continues his walk down the corridor.]




WINNER – Kevin “Killdozer” Alloy (Last Trip to Tulsa, 12:28)

RM: “And mercifully it’s over. Wolf Masterson was just put off his game completely. And what business does the Deputy Commissioner have bringing a steel chair into the ring?”

CC: “He’s the Deputy Commissioner and he handles enforcement, but… yeah, a chair?”

RM: “And as for Wolf Masterson…”

CC: “Yeah, he used to be werewolf? What the Hell, Michigan was that about?”

RM: “Not the werewolf… What was that with Mina Eyre talking about a ‘third?’ Are we seeing the birth of a trio?”

[Masterson rolls out of the ring and walks to the back. Passing him on the way is DCWL Commissioner Kyle Hayden. He has a belt tucked under his arm. He hands the belt to his deputy, who holds it in front of him. The belt is gold, and larger than the Trios and Dangerous Championship belts.]

RM: “And this must be the announcement about the Grand Championship.”

HAYDEN: “You know, when I restarted the DCWL, the one belt that I knew had to carry over was this one, the Grand.”

[Alloy, still in his ring gear, but as Deputy Commissioner, holds the belt aloft.]

HAYDEN: “This belt carries the history of the DCWL forward. It bears names like Tawny Blake, The Vindicator, Noah Prejudice, Dale Stanwycz, Johnny Detson, Haplo the Vagabond—”

FAN: [just inside microphone range] “JAAX!”

HAYDEN: [sigh] “Yes, and Jackson Hunter. And so, to open the competition up to as many deserving contenders as possible, as well as to weed out the top two, we’re going to hold two multi-man matches at the next show.”

[Decent crowd pop for that.]

HAYDEN: “Leon Corella is already the first entrant. We’re opening this up to not only those currently contracted by the DCWL, but to anyone in Shootfire, in Spirit of Wrestling, and any DCWL alumni. We’ll fit you into one of those matches and the winners of those two matches will face each other at Plunderland ’09, two out of three falls. The Grand Championship carries a lot of history, folks. It’s time to make some history of our own.”

RM: “We have our announcement about the Grand Championship, and it’s open to any competitor from Shootfire Pro Wrestling and Spirit of Wrestling as well! Kyle Hayden wants to attract the best athletes to the DCWL, obviously. Chazz, what happens if Sammy Knight or Victor Frost show up in Edmonton at ‘Citation Needed’ to compete for the belt?”

CC: “Hell, Hayden said any former DCWL wrestler. What if JDM Superstar shows up and takes the belt? How is that going to reflect on Shootfire?”

RM: “You never know who is going to hear the call… The Vindicator might return, Guido the Great might show up… What if BEDROCK appears?”

CC: “Then the third seal is broken.”

RM: “Fans, we heard earlier tonight from Bane about his match with Kid Way Cool, who attacked Bane after his match with Brian Irwin at ‘Ruckus in the Rockies.’ It was decided that the best way to handle the situation would be to match KWC and Bane up tonight.”

CC: “KWC probably doesn’t think so.”

RM: “Well, Brian Irwin is here tonight and he’s watching from backstage. That match is next.”




WINNER – Bane (knockout - Rahowa, 9:25)

RM: “Oh my god…”

CC: “Oh, god, please say he’s okay…”

RM: “Kid Way Cool took an ugly shot to the head from that Rahowa of Bane’s.”

[A pair of trainers rush down the ramp and into the ring to tend to Kid Way Cool, who is motionless on the mat. Brian Irwin jogs out awkwardly shortly after.]

RM: “Brian Irwin heading to ringside to check on Kid Way Cool. He and Kid Way Cool are countrymen… Irwin considers KWC something of a protégé…”

CC: “Will someone get that goon out of there? This is sick.”

[Bane has not left the ring. He just stares coldly down at Kid Way Cool.]

RM: “All right, Kid Way Cool seems to have regained consciousness at this point…”

CC: “I’ve had a couple of moves like that Rahowa done to me in my day… It’s a surefire way to get a concussion. Hopefully, the kid doesn’t have any spinal damage after that; hopefully he just got knocked out for a few seconds.”

[An anguished Brian Irwin leaves KWC’s side for a second and shouts a few classic Mancunian vulgarities at Bane, who responds by calmly leaving the ring and walking back up the ramp to the backstage area.]

CC: “Okay, they’re sitting him up now… Hopefully he’s okay.”

[The crowd applauds as the trainers and Brian Irwin assist Kid Way Cool to his feet. KWC is glassy-eyed and in another world, with his arms around either trainer’s shoulders.]

RM: “You know, Chazz, I’ve seen a lot of injuries in the DCWL over the past seven years, and you still don’t get used to seeing them. I imagine Brian Irwin is going to have some difficult phone calls to make over the next 24 hours.”

CC: “Not to sound crass, but this could be a case of the chickens coming home to roost for KWC. All those post-match attacks… That concussion count he racked up. This could be poetic justice.”

RM: “Well…”

[The trainers, with Brian Irwin following close behind, assist KWC to the backstage area.]

RM: “…Yes, Chazz, that does sound crass.”

CC: “It’s being so cheerful that keeps me going.”

RM: “It’s main event time on ‘Fast Cars, Danger, Fire and Knives,’ and it pits a raw rookie in Maurice Thompson against someone who once held that distinction, Derrick Ford.”

CC: “Well, The Native’s reach may have exceeded his grasp here in this case. Even though he impressed the hell of me in the match of the night at ‘Ruckus in the Rockies,’ he still has to face someone just that much bigger, just that much craftier, and just that much stronger. He’s ten years older than Thompson; that’s ten more winters than Thompson’s been through. I think at the end of the day, Derrick Ford will beat Maurice Thompson. ‘The Native’ has momentum is his favour, because Denis Cyr was better in practice than he was in the record book. But I’m looking at Ford and I see someone a real red-ass. Derrick L. Ford is out to make a statement tonight, and Maurice Thompson has to be careful not to make it for him.”

RM: “Let’s take you to the ring for the announcements!”




WINNER – Derrick Ford (Gas Pump, 13:19)

RM: “And a big win for Derrick Ford!”

CC: “Nice powerbomb! I’d been waiting to see him bust out that Gas Pump!”

RM: “And take nothing away from Maurice Thompson, another good showing from the youngster from North Dakota!”

CC: “Yeah to honest, I kind of had it my head that Ford would mow ‘The Native’ down but he fought to the bitter end!”

RM: “Well, DCWL fans, that wraps it up for us here in Boise and ‘Fast Cars, Danger, Fire and—’ what the…”

[“Fuel” by Metallica cuts out as Kyle Hayden and Kevin “Killdozer” Alloy reappear at the entrance at one end of the ramp, blocking Derrick Ford’s exit.]

ALLOY: “Congratulations, Derrick and Maurice. Commissioner Hayden has been extremely impressed with the work of both of you. Mr. Thompson…”

[Thompson, still in the ring, intently listens to the Deputy Commissioner.]

ALLOY: “You’re qualified for the Grand Championship. See you in Edmonton.”

[Thompson is over the moon, and much of the crowd is ecstatic. He shakes the ropes and drops to his knees, a huge smile on his face.]

ALLOY: “Don’t look so excited, Maurice; Bane just signed a few minutes ago.”

[Ford is less impressed. He makes a beeline to Hayden’s face, but Alloy cuts him off.]

ALLOY: “And you, Derrick… I was going to qualify you, but—”

[Ford goes apoplectic.]

ALLOY: “Let me finish! I was going to qualify you for the Grand Championship, but I was also going to grant you a return match for the Dangerous Championship at ‘Citation Needed’ against Max Turbo. But seeing your reaction now, I guess I’m going to leave it up to you.”

[Ford begins to back off, considering the possibilities.]

ALLOY: “You can either do one or the other, Derrick. Not both. We’ve already got a challenger for the Dangerous Championship lined up for Plunderland ’09, so don’t think Dangerous Championship title shots grow on trees.”

[Alloy hands the microphone over to Kyle Hayden.]

HAYDEN: “You can get back to us, Derrick. Choose wisely.”

[The Commissioner and his Deputy return backstage, leaving a pensive Derrick Ford behind.]

RM: “Fans, Derrick Ford has a decision to make, and stay tuned to to find out what exactly it is! For Christian Chazz and Blaze Crimson, I’m Rich Manning. We’ll see you in Edmonton for ‘Citation Needed!’”

