[Backstage, we see a small roped off area. Inside are a few cushy leather chairs, an ice bucket containing some long necked beers, and a TV stand supporting an LCD HDTV screen. We see the back of one head in one of the chairs. We go to a wide shot, revealing the small area guarded by two burly men in black suits, wearing dark sunglasses and earpieces. The sound of footsteps sends these men into alert as they reach into their pockets.]
VOICE: Gentlemen.
[Into the frame, sporting a white Stetson hat, is reserve roster member Derrick L. Ford. The security team eases, stepping aside. As they do, we see a sign on a placard hanging on the rope written in script.]
[Derrick steps into the setup as the man in the chair rises to meet him - the man himself, Henry Spikes. They shake hands.]
HS: Mister Ford, a pleasure as always.
DLF: Thanks for the invite. Nice little area you've got here.
HS: Well, I was thinking about making an appearance, but given that this is Kyle Hayden's last night with the DCWL I figured I'd give him the limelight.
DLF: While we get front row seats.
HS: Precisely.
[Matching grins. They sit down, each grabbing a bottle out of the ice bucket.]
DLF: Where's O'Connor?
HS: Representing Shootfire well, defending his Spirit of Wrestling Championship out in San Francisco.
DLF: Eh, whatever. I don't know why you even hang with that dickweed. Give me his opportunities in Shootfire and I'd be running the damn place.
HS: Now, Mister Ford, let's not get into such a petty squabble. After all, this is Kyle Hayden's night.
[A chuckle.]
DLF: Part of me will miss the little bastard, even if the DCWL is better off without him.
HS: Perhaps I will too.
[He raises his beer.]
HS: A toast, then, to Kyle Hayden. The DCWL won't be the same without him.
DLF: I'll drink to that.
[The two clink bottles, grinning the whole time. Henry turns on the television as we cut away.]

VOICE: Gentlemen.
[Into the frame, sporting a white Stetson hat, is reserve roster member Derrick L. Ford. The security team eases, stepping aside. As they do, we see a sign on a placard hanging on the rope written in script.]
[Derrick steps into the setup as the man in the chair rises to meet him - the man himself, Henry Spikes. They shake hands.]
HS: Mister Ford, a pleasure as always.
DLF: Thanks for the invite. Nice little area you've got here.
HS: Well, I was thinking about making an appearance, but given that this is Kyle Hayden's last night with the DCWL I figured I'd give him the limelight.
DLF: While we get front row seats.
HS: Precisely.
[Matching grins. They sit down, each grabbing a bottle out of the ice bucket.]
DLF: Where's O'Connor?
HS: Representing Shootfire well, defending his Spirit of Wrestling Championship out in San Francisco.
DLF: Eh, whatever. I don't know why you even hang with that dickweed. Give me his opportunities in Shootfire and I'd be running the damn place.
HS: Now, Mister Ford, let's not get into such a petty squabble. After all, this is Kyle Hayden's night.
[A chuckle.]
DLF: Part of me will miss the little bastard, even if the DCWL is better off without him.
HS: Perhaps I will too.
[He raises his beer.]
HS: A toast, then, to Kyle Hayden. The DCWL won't be the same without him.
DLF: I'll drink to that.
[The two clink bottles, grinning the whole time. Henry turns on the television as we cut away.]
[Back unto the fray in the same arena with the much the same fans as last day a few token fireworks fire at the entrance. Cut to the inside of the arena in Toronto, and Commissioner Kyle Hayden is already in the middle of the ring, a microphone in hand. The crowd isn't sure how to react.]
RM: Welcome back fans, and tonight we hope to hear from Kyle Hayden about the future of the DCWL.
CC: I was pessimistic at first, but did you see that grin Blaze Crimson was sporting earlier?
HAYDEN: Friends, good evening. And welcome to Cornerstone Revolution. You know, when we first started up this venture, the one event that I wanted to bring back more than any other is Cornerstone Revolution. You guys... all of you made it happen. If you're within the sound of my voice, no matter what you and I may think of each other, you and I... it's not just me. It's all of us. CR5 is here because you're here, and don't ever forget that there's a load of people back there who are crazy for getting a reaction out of you and whether they succeed or fail, it's good to know that you're there for them.
[He is suddenly interrupted by "Don't Tread On Me" by Metallica.]
CC: And guess who's here to claim the spoils of victory.
RM: Kyle Hayden first brought down Henry Spikes, and ever since the DCWL re-opened last year Spikes has been using the resources of Shootfire Pro Wrestling to undermine Kyle Hayden until the DCWL Commissioner's apparent breakdown at "The Devil Wears Lycra."
[Henry Spikes walks down the ramp and steps through the ropes. He clasps his hands in front of him, an eerie, insincere grin of his face.]
HAYDEN: Hank, you got something to say?
[The SPW Ambassador waves his hand to Hayden, with a "don't mind me" look on his face.]
HAYDEN: Well, folks, it's inevitable. I have to get to the subject of...
HAYDEN: The "Get Outta Dodge" Battle Royal.
HAYDEN: Now I admit I came up with the conceit of this match in a fit of inebriated rage, but I made the match and I stand by it. You see, everyone here is here for a reason, and i wanted to light a fire under those that are underachieving. But being petty and vindictive in business gets ya nowhere, doesn't it. We got a lot of guys like Mario Speedwagon and Brian Irwin and all of them that could be so much more than what they are. So the stipulations of the battle royal still stand; if you get tossed, you get knocked down a peg. But what I am going to do, is put out an open call for managers. A big truck load of managers. I want people who can look after all you affairs so can just go out there and wrestle and show the world what you've REALLY got. And on that note...
[Spikes raises his chin, his smirk getting more pronounced.]
HAYDEN: ...Our head trainer GRRR Guy is getting ready to send his new graduates up to us.
[Spikes rolls his eyes.]
HAYDEN: We're going to be bolstering our Reserve Roster and rather than just throw a bunch of slugs out there, we're going to be posting some of the action from the Dojo on our website and you, the fans, will be able to evaluate their performance and decide who will we will sign to freelance contracts.
[Hayden looks over his shoulder at the looming Spikes. He can't stall any more.]
HAYDEN: You know... I tried really hard not to make the DCWL about me, since the DCWL existed before and it'll exist long after I'm gone. But somewhere along the line... I forgot that. Or I wasn't paying attention and let myself slip. And if there's one thing the past nine months have taught me, is that I'm not cut out to be Commissioner of the DCWL. So... I'm stepping back.
RM: Well, we all anticipated this.
CC: It was inevitable.
HAYDEN: No one can say I didn't try. And I think if the Commissioner of the DCWL does not meet expectations, then he should step aside on his own terms before circumstances force him out and makes a big pathetic display and ends up leaving utterly disgraced. A complete laughing stock. That may be the way all my predecessors went, but that's not my way.
[He casts an accusing gaze upon the SPW Ambassador.]
HAYDEN: Isn't that right, Henry?
[Spikes just feigns ignorance.]
HAYDEN: And so, tonight, I am pleased to hand over the reigns of the DCWL to this man...
[He holds out his arm. Spikes steps forward. But the melodic strains of the "Master Ninja Theme Song" say otherwise...]
[The purple and green masked luchador runs down the aisle and poses melodramatically on the second turnbuckle, sequined cape flowing behind him. Spikes is near apoplectic.]
HAYDEN: ...And...
RM: And?!
HAYDEN: ...This gal...
[Blaze Crimson runs down the aisle and joins the filling ring.]
HAYDEN: ...And this fella...
[Governor General Ace Stevens, sash around his neck, enters the ring as well.]
HAYDEN: Oh, and, uh, Henry? You too. A promise is a promise right? I said I'd hand the DCWL back to you. See, I was thinking the DCWL was waaaaay too mired in administrative red tape. I mean... Commissioner, Governor General, Ambassador... Let's just rid of all of them and amalgamate them into a five-person Championship Committee. each of you have equal power to make matches, so I'm going to trust you with that. And I'm now accepting resumes for a fifth appointment to the committee. And as for me? I may be lousy as far as day-to-day running a wrestling fed may go, but my wallet says that I'm a terrific businessman. And you'll be pleased to know that this businessman has signed a deal with Shootfire Pro Wrestling that will bring the DCWL back in full force by June for Dangerous Quest. And until then, Shootfire has promised me a slot on its programming to showcase the best and brightest the DCWL has to offer on a global stage.
[He turns to the flabbergasted Spikes and the other members of the newly formed championship committee.]
HAYDEN: Here's the deal, guys. I stay on as owner. Shootfire invests in us, and I leave you to your own devices as long the money keeps flowing back to SPW and these fans keep going home thinking that they saw a great show.
[His mood changes...]
HAYDEN: And if I ever have to appear on camera again I will make sure that one responsible does not wake up the following morning. Good?
[He turns back to the crowd one last time.]
HAYDEN: And you guys, thanks for coming out tonight. We got a hell of a show. Maybe I'll see you in the crowd at Dangerous Quest! You guys are a real gas!
[Hayden abruptly leaves, leaving Crimson, Stevens, GRRR Guy behind. Spikes looks like he may have bitten off more than he can chew.]
[Cut back the announce table. Both Rich Manning and Christian Chazz look very relieved.]
RM: Ahhh. Hello, DCWL fans and welcome that what isn't the last DCWL event ever.
CC: Whoof... we still have jobs.
RM: Well, tonight we have three big title matches. Sierra Browne defends her DCWL Sirens Championship against Mistress Dandelion, Juri and Mine Eyre.
CC: Sledge and Dark Angel for the Dangerous Championship, no time limit, in the cage!
RM: And the main event of Cornerstone Revolution, the most vaunted position of the DCWL. It's American Freebear defending his Grand Championship against Maurice Thompson in a best-of-three falls match.
CC: Let the games begin!
RM: Well, first off tonight, we're going to be joined by a special guest from the NJWF. Daisetsu Bando last joined us at Ark of Triocalypse and he's back for a return engagement.
[A brief montage intercut with interview footage between BLUE Matsuyama and Daisetsu Bando. Bando from WOTW in front of an NJWF logo. BLUE in smoked sunglasses and a designer black leather jacket in front of a black background.]
BANDO: "BLUE Matsuyama, I have watched your antics in the indies for the past few years. You haven’t done anything in Japan, but fight Junior Heavyweights and Rookies to build your name as a Freelancer…"
BLUE: [dubbed] "Bando... He's forgotten what it means to be a wrestler. He stands up for these fools and comedians in the DCWL. I have respect for wrestling and he just sees at as way to inflate his ego."
BANDO: "You used your two wins of the 4 Japan Crown tournament to make you money instead of answering my challenges when I was BHC World Champion. You are nothing but a coward that is a stain on the name of Puroresu, I look forward to defeating you."
BLUE: "I refuse to be another name to pad his record, and I refuse to this day. I will not be his stepping stone and will not only defeat him, I'll make him submit."
WINNER - Daisetsu Bando (Turnbuckle Stampede, 17:38)
RM: And Bando outlasts BLUE!
CC: BLUE had a sound strategy there just annihilating Bando's back, but Bando is just too big and too tough.
[Cut backstage to soon-to-be Championship Committee member Blaze Crimson, who is fulfilling one of her last interview duties. She has a blank expression on her face.]
BC: Guys... I've seen a lot in the DCWL. I've seen a lot of disturbing violence and bloodshed. Horrific injuries. But nothing... nothing could prepare me for the DCWL legends that are about to face the New Main Street Killas...
[Zoom out a bit to reveal... THE VINDICATOR!]
[Who is now morbidly obese and Samoan.]
OFFRAMPICATOR: Blaze, it's quite simple. You have to have talent and charisma, and I have both in spades. The three of us are head and shoulders over everyone who has ever been in the DCWL and we deserve to be treated like the VindiLegends we are. After all, nothing is better for the Annoyed-opolitan MEGA-Samoan. Isn't that right, Mirror?
[Into the frame steps Moses Pupulolo, in a mullet wig and red and blue ring attire.]
MOSES STANWYCZ: My life is a joke, Blaze.
OFFRAMPICATOR: Moses, you're breaking character. Say one of the catchphrases, like "be a man, a true man," or "take a good look," or "that's enough philosophy, let's talk business."
MOSES STANWYCZ: No. This is idiotic. I refuse.
OFFRAMPICATOR: Hey, you had your chance at Ozzie's costume...
[Pan out to reveal Ozzie Emshamo in a platinum blonde wig, a white crop top, and far too tight silver pants.]
TAWNY EMSHAMO: Ozzie's... Touch!
BLAZE: Must... get... brain... bleach...
WINNER - The Annoyed DCWL Legends (Tawny Emshamo d. Necro Bartender, Samoan Chokeslam, 18:56)
CC: And the Legends win!
RM: Legends... for the love of Pete.
[Moses Pupulolo can't discard the wig fast enough to escape the ring. Ozzie, meanwhile, seems to be relishing his role as the new First Lady of the DCWL.]
RM: Uh, Tawny, if you're watching at home, I'm sorry for all this. I swear to god it wasn't either of our ideas.
[Ert Williams, meanwhile, casually takes the Stanwycz wig and pockets it.]
[Cut backstage to Dan Clear, who is still in bad shape from his encounters with BMF and Leon Corella. He has his arm in a sling and a Joel Gertner signature collar around his neck.]
CLEAR: Sinister. Intelligent. Dannnnnnngerous. These words all describe Klezskavanian super-athlete Kalebri Braskovic, whom the DCWL has deemed valuable enough not to send to his doom in the “Get Outta Dodge” battle royal. This crossover international megastar—
[Pan out to reveal that Dan Clear’s hypervascular ginger nephew is facing away from the camera.]
CLEAR: Oh, for crying out loud…
[Clear spins his nephew around. Caleb Brantseg / Kalebri Braskovic is… different somehow.]
CLEAR: Kalebri Braskovic is ready to take his position as—
[Dan Clear stops as his nephew begins mumbling loudly, but unintelligibly.]
“jn tnty thdd thd wn… n mny othr sns trlee d’zhee zess n hz dz plls wsh r nt rtn n thz bk…”
CLEAR: What the hell are you going on about now, you little moron?
[He speaks up, but it sounds like he’s reading a ransom note at gunpoint.]
“One Corinthians one eighteen for the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.”
CLEAR: Um… what the hey?
[The tall, thin stranger who has appeared at the last two events stands behind Dan Clear’s nephew. He grabs a fistful of his ginger hair and jerks his head back.]
STRANGER: Mister Clear… I’m sorry that you’ve been caught in this crossroad of a deception. This… this *fiend* that dares to claim to be your nephew… Well, he is Revelations 13:1. He claimed to be God in human flash. He claimed he was Caleb Brantseg. Well, fella, I’m sorry he deceived you and this fine little rasslin’ organization you got here and I’d like to apologize.
REV 13:1: Jeremiah 23:5-6 Behold the days come saith the Lord that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch and a King shall reign and prosper and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth in his days Judah shall be saved and Israel shall dwell safely and this is his name whereby he shall be called The Lord our Righteousness.
[Clear looks like he was just caught with his hand in the cookie jar.]
CLEAR: Well… yeah…
[He decides to drop the news reporter act.]
CLEAR: Okay, look. I promised to get my nephew here into wrestling and I heard the story about Caleb Brantseg and the Church of the True Messiah and I thought it would make a neat gimmick.
[The stranger chuckles.]
STRANGER: Well, friend… ya know Caleb Brantseg is loooooong dead.
[He laughs again. Clear laughs too. “Revelations 13:1” still seems utterly brainwashed.]
REV 13:1: Ecclesiastes 5:1-2 keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of God and be more ready to hear than to give the sacrifice of fools for they consider not that they do evil be not rash with thy mouth and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God for God is in heaven and thou upon earth therefore let thy words be few.
STRANGER: Caleb Brantseg wasn’t the last son of the Church of the True Messiah, because he died and was never resurrected.
[Clear laughs even harder.]
STRANGER: Everyone knows his brother Joshua was the last son of the Church of the True Messiah.
[The laughter abruptly stops. The air becomes heavy and tension filled.]
STRANGER: It’s Joshua Brantseg who died and was resurrected.
REV 13:1: Proverbs 14:31 he that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker but he that honoreth him hath mercy on the poor.
STRANGER: And fella, it hurt me so dearly to see this horror that this stain of sin is causing all you people. He appeared her first and so I offer to minister to you good and godly people first before all others of the world.
[Revelations 13:1 clasps his massive palm tightly over his uncle’s throat. Dan Clear begins gasping for breath, eyes as big a dinner plates.]
BRANTSEG: I know how the Beast’s lies have hurt and shamed you, but I offer you a way to salvation, Mister Clear. I am duty bound to make disciples of the DCWL. I weep when I think of the torment in your hearts, friend. You deserve to turn your life over. Will you, Mister Clear?
[Clear responds with gurgling, then a decisive, stifled…]
[Rev 13:1 releases his grip and Clear drops back to the ground, wheezing and gasping.]
BRANTSEG: Mister Clear, thank you for accepting the True Messiah into your life. We can now make the journey together, you and I.
CLEAR: Look, pal, I don’t know what you’ve done to my nephew here, but I’m callin’ the cops on—
[Just as soon as those words escape Clear's mouth, Rev 13:1 lands a clubbing blow to the shoulder of Dan Clear. It’s chaos backstage as the camera tries to keep up. But Joshua Brantseg’s voice rings loud and clear…]
BRANTSEG: Oh, Mister Clear… Please realize the gravity of the sin that you have wrought upon this world! I weep for all those that cannot be saved! Please listen to me, friend! Only I can save you from this awful tribulation; this sin will destroy you if you do not allow me to intervene! Only I can protect you!
[A loud thump and a muffled, ice-water-down-the-spine scream from Clear.]
BRANTSEG: PLEASE, MISTER CLEAR! Please let me save you from this beast that spills your blood and breaks your bones! Think of the eternal separation from God that you will endure, where I can no longer protect you from the evils of this world! Don’t you understand?
[We catch a brief glimpse of Joshua Brantseg. He holds in his hands the same implements used to knock out people backstage at “Contains Spoilers.” A pipewrench, a gold laquered sledgehammer and a red and yellow steel chair.]
BRANTSEG: You no longer need to worship these idolatrous objects and you can now worship the subject of your salvation! Please, Mister Clear...
BRANTSEG: Mister Clear... please let me help you.
[Cut back to the announce table. Chazz and Manning are both rather perturbed by what they have just seen.]
CC: Ummm… Okay…
RM: Well, we’re getting some people back there to stop all this…
CC: It was true, Manning. It was all true…
WINNER and STILL CHAMPION - Sierra Browne (d. Mistress Dandelion, Sierra Bomb, 22:44)
RM: Browne retains! She said she'd make some believers tonight!
CC: I'll say... taking out Juri and Mistress Dandelion, especially after retaining the SOW strap in that brutal match against Watkins last night. I'm a believer. But seriously, can we get a medical crew off of Dan Clear's carcass and down to ringside for Mina Eyre?
RM: Mina Eyre has been downed since taking that Axe Kick from Mistress Dandelion-- no, wait... she's up.
[Browne grabs her twin belts from Rachelle Bennett, a little worse for wear, but energized by her victories. Mina Eyre drags herself to her feet using the ropes. She squats down, waiting for her moment...]
CC: The Sirens Division is really ramping up, manning, now that we've signed Michaela Von Neumann and with a strong champion like Sierra Browne--
[Eyre leaps up and catches Browne with a back brain kick just as she turns around.]
CC: Hey, sore loser!
RM: I don't know that Mina Eyre thinks the match is over! She may have no idea how long she was knocked out for!
[Browne stumbles around for a second, allowing Eyre to drag her to the corner. Eyre climbs the buckles and leaps off...]
[The other shoe drops and a couple of referees rush the ring, just as Eyre hooks the leg of Browne. The methodically slaps the canvas three times in frustration.]
RM: Mina Eyre has knocked the champ out... and she doesn't even know the match is over.
[The referees confront Eyre and explain the situation to her. Eyre seems to disbelieve the story, but the replay on the screen confirms her suspicions: first the Axe Kick, then Browne pinning Dandy. The disappointment is written across her face, then she turns her attention to Sierra Browne, eliciting a microphone from ringside.]
EYRE: "You said I wouldn't pin you, Sierra! Well, I'm so 'non-descript,' I put you to sleep long enough to count to three. And you never beat me."
[Eyre wins over many of the fans as she leaves the ring, one hand on her head, another raised high in the air as she walks up the ramp.]
[We fade in to the locker room of one American Freebear. There is no fridge limo, no humorously tiny cars, just a bear-man sitting on a bench. A white towel wrapped around his colossal neck, the Freebear raises his head and addresses his opponent for this most important night.]
"Maurice, as you enter what is CERTAINLY the biggest match of your career, I hope you understand what it means... to be a champion."
[The big lug pulls up his Grand Championship title, leather slapping against his massive shoulder.]
"See, the American Freebear is the only bear that flies. I know I tend to say that a lot, but it's something that matters to me. I give, I offer something unseen anywhere across the world; and I should know since I'm an avid traveler. But you...."
[He nearly spits in disgust.]
"The glorified Hidatsu Warrior or whatever. Big proud warrior that does nothing but lecture people. I'm supposed to believe that you're the future of this company, the one that embodies everything that DCWL represents?"
"Bullshit. You wanna fight the biggest and the strongest, you fight with me. You call my wins flukes when I'm the most incredible wrestler in DCWL and I'll splatter your guts all over the place. Not your joke, more then a warrior: AH'MA BEAR... that flies! That crushes everything caught underneath. That mauls and claws and if you piss him off anymore he's gonna bite you in half too. And don't forget the moonsault."
[The Freebear stands up, getting ready to walk out that door, making his way towards the ring.]
"Before you step inside that ring Maurice, realize that wrestling is all about what you have to give. Now you took a lot from the Freebear and what he said for your WotW segment... Now it's time for you to offer something of yourself as you face DCWL's biggest and baddest. Because the American Freebear... is coming to get YOU!"
[He said, real close to the camera! A bellowing laughter echoes through the hallways as the American Freebear departs.]
[Back at the announce table; the next match is already in progress in the ring.]
RM: Fans, right now, the DCWL is taking the opportunity to clear away some deadwood. We opened a fan poll a short while ago and based on fan voting, it looks like Paul Doom and Porno Anderson are going to be at a severe disadvantage in this battle royal.
CC: Which is odd considering Porno Anderson's matches are the most viewed DCWL matches for some reason.
RM: What Chazz says is true, fans. I'll leave it to you folks to fact check.
CC: And add on that Paul Doom is still hurt from last night when Benito Brown turned on him.
RM: In this battle royal the only way to win is to pin your opponent or throw them over the top rope to the outside. A new wrestler enters every five minutes and one would think that the last entry is the catbird seat.
CC: The what-bird seat?
RM: Catbird seat.
CC: The cat-what seat?
CC: I know what you said Manning. Geez, when did you become a Kentucky colonel? Catbird seat. Who says "catbird seat," anyway?
WINNER - Max Turbo (d. Mario Speedwagon, 45:19)
RM: Former Dangerous Champion Max Turbo stays on the main roster! Mad Cow goes to the Reserve!
CC: Everyone else is OUTTA HERE!!!
[Turbo, always a cult favorite, begins his mystical and arcane posing in the ring.
CC: No more Paul Doom, Porno Anderson, Brian Irwin, Kid Way Cool, Mario Speedwagon or Drake Tungsten. I'll miss the ice cream bars the most, Rich.
RM: Those six are indeed gone from the DCWL unless their contract gets picked up by one of the managers the DCWL is recruiting.
[Backstage, Logan ‘Sledge’ Braddock and his manager Tim McFarland are walking down a hallway. Tim struggles to keep pace with Sledge.]
Tim: What’s the hurry?
[Sledge completely ignores him.]
Tim: Come on Logan, still giving me the cold shoulder?
[Still no response.]
Tim: Get over it man.
[Sledge stops, turns and glares at Tim. Tim gulps.]
Sledge: Get over it? Get over it? First, I get the news of Buzzsaw coming to the DCWL, that you somehow didn’t mention to me. Then, I lose my title to Curtis that night. And now, I’m trying to get ready for my steel cage match, one of the biggest matches of my career, and you’re chasing wanting to know why I’m not speaking to you. Get over it?
Tim: I was going to tell you.
Sledge: Sure, when the time was right. Or, just when it was convenient for you, right?
Tim: Logan, your acting like a spoiled brat.
[Sledge takes a step closer to Tim, almost nose to nose.]
Sledge: Listen Tim. I appreciate all that you have done for me in my career, I really do. I wouldn’t be where I am today without your help.
[Tim cracks a smile.]
Sledge: But right now, I don’t need you harping on me. Right now I need to get ready for my match with Curtis. And after our last match, I know this one is not going to be easy. I need to be completely focused. And I don’t need to be wasting energy trying to smooth things over with you.
[Sledge turns and begins to walk away. Tim is right behind him. Sledge stops and turns once again.]
Sledge; What part of that didn’t you understand?
[Tim looks confused.]
Tim: I thought you’d still need me to help you get ready for your match, like I always do.
Sledge: Not this time Tim. Why don’t you go pester Buzzsaw.
Tim: But your match…
Sledge: Don’t worry Tim, I got this one handled.
[Sledge turns and walks away, leaving Tim standing alone in the hallway.]
[The capacity crowd gives a hearty cheer for the Danko Jones riff. Onto the stage steps Wolf Masterson, sporting a jean jacket and track pants, who looks amazed at the production and the crowd waiting to greet him. After a moment, another eruption of cheers as Joe "Deadman" Pansac stands next to his teammate. Both men strike a pose before walking down the ramp.]
CC: Here comes the man with the plan.
RM: Masterson defeated Jackson Hunter to come away with the blank contract from Ark of Triocalypse. The big questions ever since: when, and how, does he use it?
CC: He could use it tonight. Wolf hasn't been scheduled for a match here at Cornerstone, and it has to be awfully tempting to see a Grand Championship match between two men who competed in matches just yesterday.
[Pansac holds the ropes open for Masterson, who strikes another pose for the fans. Joe enters the ring, asking for Buckley Luck's house mic. He points at the mic to Wolf, who nods.]
JDP: Now I know everyone here wants to hear what Wolf has to say...hell, so do I. But I can't let the night pass without addressing what happened in the tag match last night. Jive will be fine...he's too tough to be taken down like that. But that doesn't excuse what happened.
[The characteristic good nature of the Deadman evaporates, replaced by the hateful scowl we saw last night.]
JDP: Benito Brown, you and I go back a ways. We've both had our issues with our gimmicks, but we played our roles, collected our checks, and bided our time until we could finally break out on our own merit. If anyone could understand you, it'd be Jive and me. But while I understand the frustration, but I will never, EVER, understand turning on your partner like that. Attacking Doom, attacking Jive the way you did doesn't erase your mistreatment, and it doesn't make you a badass. It makes you a coward, and it makes you a target. You and me will meet again, Buster, and when we do you won't get lovable Joe Pansac. You'll get the Deadman.
[An unsettling smile.]
JDP: And I'll put you six feet under.
[He turns to his teammate, extending the mic to Wolf. We can see Wolf mouth "Are you ok?" to Pansac, who nods curtly. Casting one final worried look to his partner, Masterson takes center stage.]
WM: What's up Toronto?!
[CHEAP POP roar! Any unease Wolf has is gone, as he relishes the attention.]
WM: It was nine months ago at the very first DCWL show that I stood in front of hundreds of people, competing to be the first Dangerous Champion. I lost that night, and came away with a minor ankle injury for my troubles. When I came back, I found Kevin Alloy right in my face and my spot on the roster in jeopardy.
[From his jacket pocket, he retrieves a folded piece of white paper.]
WM: What a difference a few months, some solid support, and a blank contract make.
[He smiles at the buzz emanating from the crowd.]
WM: I've gotten all the advice I can handle over the last few months...when to use it, how to use it...but after talking with people I trust and respect, I realized there was only one way to use this contract.
[He switches the mic to the contract hand.]
WM: This contract is a key, good for opening any door I see fit. Sure I could sell it, or use it to get revenge on someone for some perceived wrong. Thing is, I get paid, and while revenge would have sounded sweet a few months ago, I know better now. No, this contract has to be used, and used wisely, for gold. And really, if you only have one shot to go for gold, there's only one title out there that fits - the DCWL Grand Championship.
[Crowd ROARS.]
WM: So the question is...when? Hell, if I wanted to, I could make a Grand Championship match right here TONIGHT.
[Another roar, though it dies quickly as Wolf shakes his head.]
WM: A few months ago? I wouldn't even be out here talking about it. I'd just show up, point at whoever was lucky enough to survive Freebear/Thompson, and try and pick up the scraps. Now? Now I know there's more to being a champion than having a shiny belt. It's about pouring your heart and soul into your craft, day after day, month after month, year after year. It's about rising above your crappy gimmick, showing that you're something more than a guy out there to get a few laughs and make the new guy look good. It is experiencing adversity and hardship, and overcoming every obstacle in your way.
[Wolf becomes a bit somber.]
WM: Whoever wins a match like the one tonight deserves their moment in the sun. They deserve to call themselves champion, and I couldn't possibly mess with that. Now I know the company's future is in doubt, but I did see that we're scheduled for a Supercard in the not too distant future. I think that's plenty of time to bask in Cornerstone Revolution glory. So, at Dangerous Quest in June, the DCWL Grand Champion WILL defend his title...
...against JOE "DEADMAN" PANSAC!
CC: What?!
RM: Oh my goodness! Joe Pansac will challenge for the Grand Championship!
[The crowd is stunned, though there's still a sizable cheer. Pansac is as bewildered as anyone, his jaw slightly open as he gawks at Wolf. Wolf is back in showman mode.]
WM: And not just in any match! The Grand Championship will be decided in a good old fashioned DEATHMATCH! Barbed wire! Glass! Land Mines! You won't just face one of the toughest bastards to ever grace this company, you'll do so in the match he knows as well as any other!
[He turns to his mentor, still disbelieving, and puts a hand on his shoulder.]
WM: Joe, if it weren't for you and Mina, I'd still be snarling, growling and slobbering as the Wolf. The trios division will always be ours for the taking. Mina's got her foot in the door with the Sirens. Me? I've got my whole future ahead of me now. But if this contract is a key, it's the key to a lifelong warrior, at long last, getting the recognition he deserves. Joe...it's finally your time.
[Wolf hands out the contract to Pansac, who looks out at the largest Dangerous Championship Wrestling crowd to date.]
[Pansac accepts the contract, pulling Masterson in for a brief man hug. "Die Dead Enough" kicks up over the PA to compliment the roaring crowd. Wolf raises Pansac's hand in the middle of the ring.]
RM: So in an absolute shocker, Wolf Masterson cashes in his contract for a Grand title shot, but for his Horrorshow teammate Joe Pansac! Who could have seen this coming?
CC: I don't know if it's ever a smart move to pass on a chance to get yourself gold, but I'll give Wolf this much...it's a damn classy move.
RM: And now the winner of the match tonight between Maurice Thompson and American Freebear knows his next challenge...
CC: ...if there is a next challenge...
RM: ...facing the Deadman at Dangerous Quest in a brutal, no holds barred Deathmatch.
CC: I've seen Pansac's work in Deathmatches before. That Grand Championship will be in more danger than people think.
[Some good old video package music. Back and forth between the voices of Sledge and Joshua Curtis...]
"What you must prepare for Sledge is walking down an aisle that leads to 16 feet of hell and torture..."
"It’s a funny thing, the steel cage. It can make you a man, or it can take everything away..."
"Steel is an unforgiving surface and it can be used to maim, disfigure and destroy careers..."
"It can raise you to the top of the wrestling world, or drop you straight to the bottom..."
"I LIVE to hurt, torture and destroy anyone that gets put in that cell with me..."
"We both will leave the steel cage better men, but only one of us will leave with the Dangerous Championship..."
"Get some sleep, kiss your family, say goodbye to your friends because I'm going to promise you one thing Logan and that is if you survive the 16 feet of steel against me you deserve to wear the belt that I now proudly hold for this company and my Angels..."
"I will leave the steel cage a legend."
WINNER and NEW CHAMPION - Logan Braddock (x2) (KO, 8:08)
RM: Oh no!
CC: Curtis is hurt!
RM: Leonard Gutman doing the right thing by stopping this match. Curtis is not answering him.
CC: Dammit that wasn't shaping up to be a classic in the making, though.
[Curtis begins to stir, sitting up, a little glassy-eyed. The trainers come down to ringside as a precaution. Sledge's expression is very wry, rather pleased with this turn of events. He nudges Gutman out of the way.]
RM: Oh, come on! The match is over!
[Braddock adds a boot to shove Curtis back to the mat and goes for a spinning toehold.]
RM: Adding a Hammer Lock after the fact proves nothing, Logan! You won the match and you have your belt back as it is!
[Outside the ring, the crew fumbles with the lock on the door. Then the crowd pop as a looming figure storms down the ramp.]
CC: Oh man, these two have some history between them.
[With frightening agility, Buzzsaw begins ascending the side of the cage. Just as he begins to climb over the top, the lock on the door comes undone, and Sledge decides it's time to say his goodbyes, releasing the hold and rolling out the door just as Buzzsaw begins lowering himself inside the cage.]
RM: The Hardcore Icon keeps Sledge from doing any further damage from Dark Angel, but it looks like Curtis and Buzzsaw will have to wait until a later date to extract some justice from the new Dangerous Champion.
[Braddock walks back up the ramp, holding the Dangerous belt aloft once again. Buzzsaw's grisly face stares back through the cyclone fence. Not far away, on the mat, Josh Curtis's steely expression echoes Buzzsaw's sentiments.]
#A little Dramatic Music#
[The scene opens as the opening Chords to Machine Head's cover of Iron Maiden's "Hallowed Be Thy Name". The scene opens with Leon Corella standing face to face with Julian "Bane" Beckson, both men dressed to compete. Judging from the hanging banners and the graphics on the side of the ring, this dates back to DCWL's Ark of the Tripocalypse.]
Corella- Let me get this straight... You want me to face a child... in the wrestling ring... One on one...
[Bane nods, a bit perplexed by Leon's response...]
Bane- Yes...
[...suddenly Leon's face becomes an intense scowl of rage, anger, and overflowing intensity as he got right in Bane's face shifting 0 to 60 in an instant..]
Corella- THE HELL I WILL!!!
Bane- I'd turn around if I were you...
[...The shadow loomed over them, and Leon's eyes grew wide. He turned and immediately was rocked off his feet with a brutal Big Boot to the face! Bane and Jerome quickly clear the ring. Corella, stunned and trying to rise, was bodily lifted onto his feet by Big Mike, doubled over with a brutal Toe kick to the gut and doubled over. BMF straddles the back of Leon's head, then whips him up onto his shoulders, and drives him to the canvas with a brutal powerbomb.]
Bane- I hope you enjoy Facing "Big" Mike Foyer....
[A few rapid fire shots of Big Mike slinging and slamming Leon around like a rag doll follows, finishing with Leon laying in a pool of his own blood and Big Mike standing over him with glazed over psychotic eyes and a satisfied grin. Big Mike's voice sounds out over the scene...]
BMF V/O- Leon Corella is Completely out of his Depth and Unprepared for what I bring....
[The scene then transitions to Big Mike walking backstage with Alton West and Great Atma at The Devil Wear's Lycra. His eyes widen with surprise as Leon bull rushes onto the scene with wild, violent swinging punches...]
Corella V/O- I am sorry for what I did to you Mike. Not a day goes by that I don't torture myself for what I did to you, but the apologies.... End... HERE!!!
[...Followed by Leon hitting a nasty release German Suplex that sends Big Mike through a double pane plate glass window onto solid pavement.]
[Now a shot of Leon shoving Big Mike head first through the windshield of a car! It's quickly followed up with the two on top of that very same car, a certain infamous Nissan Cube. Leon has straddled the back of Big Mike's head and applied the double U-hook. Just as the song hit's it's second crescendo, the scene goes into slow motion as Leon whips BMF onto his shoulder and then drills him head and shoulders first onto the car, glass exploding with dramatic affect from every window as the roof caves in from their combined weight.]
Chris Chazz V/O- I think this one is official over!
[We finish with a shot of Big Mike Foyer sitting up in the wreckage, most of his head and upper body covered in his own blood from multiple gashes on his face and chest.]
BMF V/O- You can hurt me, Leo, but you can't beat me....
[The scene then fades to a Cornerstone Revolution 5 Logo, effectively ending there.]
[Many of the fans have migrated from the arena to the deathmatch ring outside the arena. The sun sets in the distance, illuminating the haze of the city called the Center of the Universe; it is unseasonably warm. Something is brewing in the air...]
RM: That explosion knocked everyone out!
[The ring crew goes to work with fire extinguishers, making sure the area has the all clear. Corella and Foyer are both down in the ring, to say nothing of the non-athletic Referee #4...]
CC: Was that a submission? Was that a double knock-out?
RM: Tough to say, Leon Corella had that Perfect Clutch locked in, but before that point the match could have gone either way.
[The ring crew disassemble one corner of the barbed wire ropes and Leonard Gutman makes his way into the ring. He crawls among the debris and consults with the groggy match official.]
CC: The only man who knows for sure what happened just got blown to smithereens.
RM: Certainly the importance of this match can't be understated... Corella a former Grand Champion... Foyer looking to contend for the belt... Contracts hanging in the balance...
CC: Rich, what happens if the match *is* a draw?
RM: I shudder to think of the excessively dull legalistic sewer gas we'll hear about if that happens.
[Gutman finishes consulting with the referee and goes to the two downed competitors...]
[...And raises Corella's hand!]
WINNER - Leon Corella (Perfect Clutch, 15:00)
RM: Foyer gave!
RM: Leon Corella now has license to modify Mike Foyer's DCWL contract before Dangerous Quest!
CC: Man, the enmity, the bad blood... Leon Corella's got a license to kill and he's not afraid to use it.
[More music, more video packages. A voice in the dark...]
"Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown..."
[Tawny Blake defeated Guido the Great...]
[Guido the Great defeated Tawny Blake...]
[Jack Ketch defeated Guido the Great...]
[The Vindicator defeated Jack Ketch...]
[Tawny Blake defeated The Vindicator...]
[Dale "The Mirror" Stanwycz defeated Tawny Blake...]
["The New Classic" Skye Ashner defeated Dale Stanwycz...]
[Naja Takemara defeated Skye Ashner...]
[Haplo the Vagabond defeated Noah Prejudice...]
[Jackson Hunter defeated Haplo...]
[Noah Prejudice defeated Jackson Hunter...]
[Jackson Hunter defeated Noah Prejudice...]
[Johnny Detson defeated Jackson Hunter...]
[Kaijuu Jisatsu defeated Johnny Detson...]
[The Rat defeated Kaijuu Jisatsu...]
[And then...]
[Leon Corella...]
[And together... Maurice Thompson and American Freebear.]
RM: Well, Chazz, five times now I've had the privilege of calling a Grand Championship match in the main event of Cornerstone Revolution and they've all been incredible matches. There was the battle between Mark Haley, Tawny Blake, and the Vindicator in 2003. We had a best-of-three falls match between Skye Ashner and Jackson Hunter at Cornerstone Revolution II in 2004. The King of Endurance matches at III and IV. There was time when we were all sure there would never be a Cornerstone Revolution 5, but Kyle Hayden said it best: faith manages.
CC: Ah, don't get all soft on me, ya big lug.
RM: All right then, I won't. Chazz, what should we be looking for in this Grand Championship match?
CC: Well every Cornerstone main event seems to come down to a matter of endurance. Thompson right now has the added conditioning, but he's put on some muscle mass specifically for this match and I'm thinking that might work against him. On the other hand, he'd still probably be in better shape cardiovascular-wise than Freebear. The champ has to rely on his crunch power and not be so concerned with high-risk moves. American Freebear outweighs the challenger by a hundred pounds; all he need to worry about is being fast enough and sticking to his basics, and then choosing his spot for the moonsault or other high-risk move. If I'm Thompson, I'm looking for a long match. I'm looking to wear out Freebear and start piling on my own moonsaults.
RM: Well fans, this is it: the main event. Grand Championship on the line. Buckley, take it away!
FALL ONE: American Freebear, 8:07
FALL TWO: Maurice Thompson, 30:47 (38:54 elapsed)
FALL THREE: American Freebear, 29:17 (1:08:04 elasped)
WINNER and STILL CHAMPION - American Freebear (2-1)
[Both men lie in a heap on the ground. The crowd erupts to their feet. Manning and Chazz are left speechless.]
[Referee Steve Francis wipes away the sweat, kneels down and raises the spent Flyin' Ursine's hand. The crowd is now split 60-40, some people cheering for Thompson, others chanting for Freebear.]
"Free-bear!" "THOMP-SON!"
"Free-bear!" "THOMP-SON!"
"Free-bear!" "THOMP-SON!"
"Free-bear!" "THOMP-SON!"
"Free-bear!" "THOMP-SON!"
[Manning finally pipes up, hoarse from calling the marathon main event.]
RM: What do you think of the DCWL now?! These men gave the performance of a lifetime in that ring, and I can say without hyperbole, that this was the biggest Cornerstone Revolution of them all!!!"
[Thompson rolls out of the ring to the floor, wiping away the blood. Freebear crawls to the ropes, badly winded, sweat soaking his hair and beard.]
CC: These two have been toiling in the DCWL and they damn sure earned their stripes tonight!
[When Thompson rolls back in to the ring, he has the Grand Championship belt in hand. Freebear gets to his feet. The two stare at each other across the ring.]
RM: And they poured so much heart in to this match, it's got to be hard now that it's over...
[Thompson looks at the gold belt, then to Freebear...]
[...And extends the belt to the champion! To say the crowd erupts in respect is a bit of an understatement.]
RM: Thompson's going to hand the belt to his rival!
CC: Man, Freebear's a big man, but "The Native" is showing he can be a pretty big man too.
[Freebear looks puzzled (and spent, but mostly puzzled).]
RM: These two have been battling each other with so much vileness and enmity, I don't how this is going to turn out.
[Freebear manages to take all of two steps--]
[Before being sideswiped by a vicious Hansen Lariat that has him turning somersaults in mid-air!]
[Thompson looks like he's about to spring in to action but Ford wrests the Grand Championship belt out of his hands and clocks him upside the head with it!]
[Freebear struggles to his feet, but walks straight into a pumphandle...]
[The audience are now tossing litter in to the ring, but Ford stands triumphant, the belt the two fallen warriors were fighting over in his hand. He begins strapping the belt around his waist.]
RM: Despite what Derrick Ford may think, American Freebear remains the DCWL Grand Champion. The disrespect this man shows is revolting.
CC: Thompson and Freebear had the match of a lifetime!
RM: In spite of that sour note, we must now fondly bid you farewell, fans... But we'll be around in Shootfire Pro Wrestling, and then this summer we'll be back for the Danger Drive when we present Dangerous Quest! Instead of my usual sign-off, we'll just leave you with this!
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