October 2, 2009

More new roster additions!

Not only has the DCWL signed Mike Anderson and Sierra Browne, as well as Dan Clear's latest find, but we're also proud to announce a tryout match between two newcomers to the DCWL:

  • American Freebear! Freebear (aka the Flyin' Ursine) has garnered a reputation as one of (if not THE) top big men currently in wrestling. Standing nearly six and a half feet tall and tipping the scales at over 300 pounds, Freebear uses a moonsault as a finisher. Yer dead after that.
  • The Big Nasty! A former basketball star, TBN is big. REALLY REALLY REALLY BIG. Like over seven feet big. And he doesn't like jackasses. Look out below, DCWL wrestler...

These two will square off at "Overdrawn at the Memory Bank" on October 14, 2009. Winning or losing will not decide whether each wrestler will be offered a full-time contract, but rather how well the fans react. Look for both big men to step their games up at Show #6.

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