Logan Braddock, aka Sledge, will make his DCWL debut against Alton West on November 4, 2009. Sledge stands 5' 10", but don't let his height fool you, Sledge is strong as an ox, using the "Block Buster," a Death Valley Driver as his finisher. Braddock has a long history in the UWAC and the DCWL. In fact, Sledge appeared on the very first edition of War of the Words back on June 21, 2002!
(Scene opens inside a room, that looks a lot like a classroom. Desks and chairs fill the room, all in rows. There is a larger desk in the front of the room, with a dry erase board located behind it. An older woman dressed in a business suit is sitting behind the desk. She is wearing a nametag that reads “Ms. Allan”.)
Ms. Allan (whispering to herself) – “I wonder what kind of characters I’ll get today.”
(Just then, a small group of men walk into the room, searching for a desk to sit at. None of them sit near one another. Ms. Allan stands up, walks to the front of her desk, and takes a seat.)
Ms. Allan – “Hello. My name is Ms. Allan, and this is anger management. I know none of you want to be here, but this is court appointed, so suck it up.”
(Ms. Allan looks over the room.)
Ms. Allan – “So, our purpose here today is to try to teach you all to have better control over your anger. I know we won’t cure this problem with just one meeting. And I know some of you don’t want to cure this problem…”
(A man comes strolling into the room. He has long dark brown hair, which is pulled back into a ponytail, a goatee, and sunglasses. He is dressed in a pair of blue jeans, black Army boots, and a black T-shirt. He picks a seat in the very back of the room.)
Ms. Allan – “Ah, a late one. So nice you decided to join us.”
(The man just sneers at her.)
Ms. Allan – “Well, on that note, we might as well start the introductions. Like I said earlier, I’m Ms. Allan. We’ll start in the front and work our way back. Tell us your name and why you are here. We’ll start with you.”
(Ms. Allan points at each man as they speak.)
Man #1 – “My name is Richard, and I was drunk and got into a bar fight.”
Man #2 – “My name is Bob, and I had an argument with my wife.”
Man #3 – “My name is Jeff, and I’m a pee wee football coach. I attacked the other teams coach in the middle of the field.”
(Ms. Allan points to the man in the back of the room. He says nothing.)
Ms. Allan – “Well, do you have a name?”
Man #4 – “Yup.”
Ms. Allan – “Well, what is it?”
Man #4 – “Sledge.”
Ms. Allan – “Sledge? OK, if that’s the name you want to go by. And, could you tell us what you did to get here?”
Sledge – “Yup.”
(Ms. Allan begins to look a bit miffed.)
Ms. Allan – “Enough with the attitude ‘Sledge’…what did you do?”
Sledge – “Road rage.”
Ms. Allan – “Road rage? That doesn’t surprise me one bit. And what exactly happened during your fit of road rage?”
Sledge – “Get his **bleep**. I was cruising down the highway in my Chevelle, then out of nowhere this **bleep** hole comes flying down the entrance ramp and cuts over right in front of me. So, I whipped the steering wheel, got along side of him, and then sped up in front of him to cut him off. I slammed on my breaks, and he did too, almost hitting my car. I threw my car in park, ran back to his car, and punched the guy square in the face. I then drug is butt out of his car, kicked him in the stomach, and threw him to the ground. And then I proceeded to kick the living…”
(Ms. Allan cuts him off.)
Ms. Allan – “OK, OK…we get the idea.”
(Sledge smirks. Ms. Allan proceeds to walk back behind her desk.)
Ms. Allan – “I thought I would go over all of the things we will be going over in the course of the class, so you all can get a general idea of what to expect. First, we will try to eliminate self-defeating behaviors. Second, develop healthier coping skills. Third, improve relationships at home, work and school. Fourth, expand your communication skills. And finally fifth, increase your self-esteem and confidence. More than likely, one or all of these things are contributing to your anger problems.”
Sledge – “The only thing contributing to my anger problems are stupid people pissing me off.”
Ms. Allan – “You mean, to tell me, that you don’t have any of these issues to work out, Sledge?”
Sledge – “Damn right. Listen honey…I have plenty of self-esteem and confidence. Communication skills? I always say what is on my mind. Hell, my mouth is what get in me trouble most of the time. I prolly talk to damn much. Improve relationships at work? Hell, I beat people up for a living…can’t really improve on that. Develop healthier coping skills? I cope with **bleep** just fine. And self-defeating behavior…I don’t what that exactly is, but I know I don’t do it.”
Ms. Allan – “Well, I guess you don’t need to be here then, do you?”
Sledge – “I guess not.”
(Sledge stands up, walks towards the back of the room.)
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