Your music to watch promos by.
# January 22, 2010 3:35 PM CDT #
[We open to a plain white wall, nothing special, identifying, or suspicious about it, just a plain white wall. After a few moments Maurice Thompson and Danny Gunderson step into the picture. We see from their shoulders up, the two look at each other with intense looks on their faces as they stare forward at each other for a moment. The camera slowly begins to pan back until we can make out the entire upper bodies of the two competitors.]
[After another tension filled moment the two shake hands. The silence is then finally broken.]
Gunderson: You ready for "Contains Spoilers?"
[Thompson grins.]
Thompson: If I'm not ready by now...
[Short Pause.]
Thompson: I have no business stepping into the ring against Foyer and Beckson. This is my time to earn my place in the DCWL at the biggest show in its history, and if I defeat Foyer and Beckson I will have my opportunity against whoever the Grand Champion will be....
Are you ready for your match?
[Gunderson laughs briefly.]
Gunderson: Horrorshow and New Main Street Killaz have both lost to Unique Element, there's nothing that will change the result for Pansac and Bartender. The only hope they have is defeating each other...
Thompson: That's what I like to hear! Just like I am more prepared for Foyer and Beckson than I ever have, neither of them will have what it takes to keep me down. I've been in the ring with Beckson and I've studied enough of Foyer to know where his weaknesses are. This time everything will be different…
Gunderson: You should have had Curtis, you just got too sloppy. Trust me, you'll learn from those mistakes. Just like Masterson had to learn, that no matter how hard he tries he just won't match up to Unique Element.
[Thompson nods his head.]
Thompson: I know I had him; I just make too many mistakes. Everything else in my life is settled, I'll be able to focus on what happens in the ring from now on. I know I'm a Rookie, but I don't see a reason for not starting now with a great career.
Gunderson: Trust me you have the potential to win prestigious titles around the world. I've been around so called champions, and some of them didn't amount to much other than politicians. Just keep your head on straight.
[Thompson nods again.]
Thompson: I plan on it; everything is going my way right now. There's nothing that will keep me from reaching my goals. Definitely not a coward like Beckson and a clumsy oaf like Foyer.
Gunderson: If you keep to the strategy we talked about, you should be able to get the victory.
Thompson: And if you roll someone up in that Ankle Lock you're definitely going to grab a victory.
[Gunderson smirks.]
Gunderson: That's exactly what I'm planning on doing.
Thompson: That's what I like to hear…
[The scene slowly fades.]
[Phoenix, ArizonA: A place where the temperatures almost all year tend to hit around 90 to 100 degrees of suffering and sweating. Its the type of weather that if you come from a cold climate it takes a long time to acclimate yourself to and one that can make some people wish they lived in a colder climate like Alaska or... knew what I was gonna say so that's why I didn't!
Today is an interesting day in the life of Juri as she is seen out in the middle of really she's out in the middle of a desert wearing nothing but a black sports bra, orange track pants and her wrestling boots! The individual with her is her partner and Heather Owens' interpreter, "Canadian Gold" Tina Davis leaned up against the hood of Joshua's jeep while Juri goes through her training against not one, not two but THREE wrestlers at the same time and the smile that Tina has on her face is clearly visible as she watches her partner in life go through the exercises and all the while Tina smiles as she speaks to her friend]
Tina Davis – Its amazing that our boss is forcing you to go through this exercise you know that right Juri-kun?
[Juri delivers a spinning back kick to the one attacker and a snapmare to the other before ATTEMPTING to speak...]
Juri -You know Curtis-sensei Tina. He isn't happy with just winning...he wants domination in his clients and that's why he went back to Japan to do some extensive training for his big battle royal match coming up for the chance at the Dangerous Championship.
Tina Davis – This I know Juri and I know the he didn't expect to shut out Maurice Thompson in his match and he told me he earned a new respect for that man. He's hoping that by sending you out here in the 100 degree weather you'll get a bit of an attitude adjustment when it comes to DCWL.
Juri – Puh-leaaaasssseeee!!!!!!! I might earn a bit more respect when they put me against some "real" talent and not these hacks like "Molly Molotov" or this chick they picked for me to bum rush coming up named "Mina Eyre"!
Tina Davis – You honestly think you can beat her? Last I checked Molly gave you a hell of a run dearie?
Juri – That she did but I STILL walked out with my hand raised in victory!
Tina Davis – [SIGHS] Alright well I think we had enough out here for the day. Get in the jeep and ladies it was a pleasure to work with you today and if Mr. Curtis needs you again he'll be sure to call you gals.
Woman – It was our pleasure to assist Mr. Curtis with training his student. She's a feisty little firecracker that much is certain
Tina Davis – That she is...well we'll be seeing you ladies in the future
Woman – Take it easy Ms. Davis!
[As the woman says her goodbye to Tina and the rest of the women leave the vicinity Tina pulls the Jeep into a sharp "U Turn" before turning and addressing her "Better Half"]
Tina Davis – really think that you are better than this Mina woman?
Tina Davis – Where did all this confidence come from?
Juri – It came from the fact that Joshua is dating the SPW Women's champion in Heather Owens and that we are part of his newest faction in Pro Wrestling..."The World's Finest!"
Tina Davis – That's right! But if you wish to remain a part of that faction I know he won't take you taking your opponent so lightly. Even Heather is still fairly humble regardless of the fact that she's a very proud French-Canadian and the Women's Champion.
Juri – But I promise you if she were to lose that belt she'd know she's still better than that stuck up, uptight, miserable excuse of a wrestler named Nikki James.
Tina Davis – No doubt but we can take credit for that as helping to train her. Your sole training has been me since the day you laced up the boots and Joshua just came into the picture because he was competing in DCWL.
Juri – And he's VERY demanding on the expectations of the group but at the same time he lets his actions speak for him in that ring. I like to tell people what I'm going to do in the ring and then do it!
Tina Davis – So when you are wrestling in front of these big shots that will be at the show how will that effect you?
Juri – It'll just motivate me Tina. I look at this match coming up as a moment where I have to show the DCWL management why I belong to them and why I should be the next in line for Sierra Browne's Sirens title.
Tina Davis – Well if you beat Mina then you'll have what you want at "The Devil Wears Lycra" and hopefully WE, "The World's Finest" can move a step closer to showing EVERYONE in DCWL, SPW and [BLEEP] even SWAT that when we call ourselves the "World's Finest" its not just a saying but a way of life and a belief!
Tina Davis – I would my dear...but I'm a little too tired and we are almost home!
Juri – AWWWW!
Tina Davis – What is our mission in DCWL Juri-kun?!
[As the Jeep speeds off Juri blows a kiss to the camera as "The Revolution" make their grand exit]
[Fade into Haley Hall.]
Ace: Alright! No more beating around the bush! I'm going to get my point across and nothing is going to stop me!
James: Dude... Mass Effect 2.
Ace: Right!
[In a standard-sized nondescript soundstage, there stands a rear projection screen. Enter Jackson Hunter in a dark blue suit, hands clasped in front of him like Rod Serling. He eyeballs the camera with a slight smirk...]
[...Which melts into a scowl as he opens his hands to reveal a remote control clicker.]
[Ladies and gents, the return of the Power Point Promo.]
JAX: We all saw last time, when I had to be all positivity, all silent drive. Well, now it's time for the real Jackson Hunter to enter the room, step on some toes and knock over furniture. First order of business.
[Click. Onscreen:]
[Julianne Moore: Jackson Hunter had a lot of problems with Mario Speedwagon. Could it have been Mario being motivated, ring rust for Hunter, or has Hunter lost some skill. I know he won, but he wasn't exactly overly impressive.]
JAX: The record book. Try reading that instead of Facebook every once in a while. Trust me, Mario is not motivated, because I'm not the one who pissed on his rug. And trust me when i say this: ring rust gets knocked off real fast when you've got a guy repeatedly throwing roaring elbows at you. Be honest, Jules, because if there is one thing I can't stand, it's people not speaking their minds. What it was with me was that I am on the downside of my thirties and I'm half-surgically reconstructed. I'm probably going to end in in a wheelchair in fifteen years. I don't make excuses for myself. The sad fact of life is that I'm broken-down has-been in a fed that is breeding athlete half my age bouncing off the ropes like Create-a-Wrestlers, and if I'm breaking the fourth wall for any viewers out there, I sincerely apologize.
[Click. CAPTION: "Apology accepted."]
JAX: But here's the key to who I am: I took this busted up frame and carried it to two Grand Championships with a Platinum Championship as an appetizer. I don't get by being the one with the slickest offense. I don't get by tossing people around like dishrags. I'm not seven feet tall. I don't hit the hardest. What I am, is...
[Click. Slow-mo video of Jax's pipewrench shot on Mike Anderson.]
JAX: ...Bulletproof. What I do is make it count when the bell rings. There's an old KGB motto that goes along the lines of "stick in, suck up, survive." The first two are already taken care of for me. What I do, is survive. It's not pretty, it's not impressive, but that's why people marvel at me. Just watch me, and you will too. And one last thing, Julianne. I don't say this lightly, but...
[He sighs.]
JAX: ...Quit trying to ruin the DCWL by trying to suggest a Tag Team division. I know you're new here, so you don't remember the *old* Tag Team Division. Do you know who the most memorable DCWL Tag Team Champions were?
[Click. Ert Williams and Killa 187.]
JAX: So... yeah. I mean, I know you'd LOVE to see that noble title resurrected, but as god as my witness, if the Little Bitch Kyle Hayden resurrects the Worst Belts in the History of the Business, then I am become Death, destroyer of watered down championships.
[Click. Horrorshow.]
JAX: Now I saw the New Main Street Killas in the snafu with Unique Elefolksment and Mitch & Mina & Wolf, and...
[The screen behind Jax changes of its own accord.]
[CAPTION: "Huh?"]
JAX: Nicknames!
JAX: I'm making a joke! Ya know... me and my obscure pop culture references?
JAX: Forget it.
[Click. Focus on Wolf Masterson.]
JAX: Cut to the chase. Horrorshow looks like their dictating the match, Wolf Masterson gets trapped, won't tag out and he gets served by Earth Lindsay, Wind Wilson and Fire Gunderson. Story over, right? Horrorshow go right back to fighting the Annoyed Samoans to countout wins. But, Wolf Mother, you stubborn little knucklehead... You catch wind of me and that shiny, jolly, candy-like open contract and you figure, "hey, if Mario Speedwagon can get close, than Jax should be a piece of cake. And, something something, 'Something Better.'"
[Click. Quickly a red 'X' is superimposed over Masterson's face and a "Family Feud" buzzer sounds.]
JAX: Wolf, Wolf, Wolf. I like you, Wolf. You're a good story. You're the guy who scores the touchdown and has those legendary celebrations in the endzone. But I've won two Super Bowls, Loopy Lupine. You do know what you're getting in to by walking down this dark alley to visit with me, right? Did you step over the corpses of Skye Ashner and Haplo? Didn't you see what I did to those guys? Let me put it to you this way... Me...
[Click. Darth Vader.]
JAX: You.
[Click. Jar Jar Binks.]
JAX: Me...
[Click. The Rolling Stones.]
JAX: You...
[Click. The Jonas Brothers.]
JAX: Me...
[Click. Ted Danson on the "Cheers" set.]
JAX: You...
[Click. Ted Danson on the "Becker" set.]
JAX: Wolf, do not cover yourself in blood and then jump in to the tank containing a great white shark. And as longtime DCWL fans will note, there is no shark greater, and for that matter no shark pastier, than me. If you do beat me, well done, you earned your contract and and you get that redemption. Just remember that it's for a match and not to make the hugest blunt in the world. I hope you come with the mindset of winning, Wolf, because Christina Applegate thought your performance was a little flat in your Trios Championship match.
[Hunter reaches off-screen for a clipboard. He makes a few notes.]
JAX: Defiant statement of purpose, check. Offensive humor, check. Merciless mocking of opponent, check. Obscure pop culture references, check. General air of paranoia, check. Self-deprecation, check. Holier-than-thou attitude, check. Over-the-top response to valid criticism, check. Catchphrase, check.
[He tosses the clipboard aside.]
JAX: Yep. I still got it.
[Click. All the lights in the studio go out.]
[Scene opens inside Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, mid day on a Monday. Logan Braddock is walking down the concourse. He is dressed in a black Ohio State hoodie, black Adidas pants and a duffle bag over his shoulder. Sledge's cell phone begins to ring.]
SLEDGE: Hello? Hey Tim, what's up? I'm good. I just landed about 15 minutes ago. The first thing I'm doing is heading home and taking a nice long nap. Nah, I don't need a ride. I left my car up here in extended parking.
[Sledge walks over to the newsstand and grabs a copy of the Plain Dealer and throws a couple bucks on the counter as he walks by.]
SLEDGE: I didn't want to get back home too soon after I won the Dangerous Championship. I knew the reporters and fans would be beating down my door as soon as I got in. I just wanted some peace and…
[Sledge pauses, then surprise washes over his face.]
SLEDGE: …wait, what? No one called? No one showed up at the house? You're messing with me, right Timmy?
[Sledge keeps walking, now with a confused look upon his face.]
SLEDGE: Really? Oh well. Hey, I need you to clear your schedule next week. You're coming to Seattle with me. Why? I need you to hold on to my title belt. I heard the people of Klezskavania believe that gold is bad luck, so I don't want the belt anywhere near me. And you are the only guy I can trust with it. I wouldn't bring it with me at all, but since there's slim chance that Tungsten might beat me, it has to be in the building.
[Sledge walks up to the counter at the Cinnabon and pulls out his wallet.]
SLEDGE: Hold on one second Tim.
[Sledge pulls the phone from his ear.]
SLEDGE: I'll have a Classic with a MochaLatta Chill. Thanks.
[Sledge hands the girl his credit card, and lifts the phone back up.]
SLEDGE: Sorry about that, I'm starving. What was I saying? Oh yeah, Tungsten. I need you there just in case he does defy the odds and finds a way to beat the champ.
[The girl hands Sledge his credit card back, his Cinnabon and his MochaLatta. He holds the phone up to his ear with his shoulder.]
SLEDGE: Thank you.
[He makes his way to the nearest table.]
SLEDGE: I feel bad about Ford being taken of the roster like that, but he did it to himself. I would love to give him a rematch, but he's the one that made that stipulation.
[Sledge sets down his newspaper and Cinnabon. He drops his duffle bag on the ground and proceeds to sit down.]
SLEDGE: And what this I hear that I might have to defend the Dangerous Championship on a different show in a different league? Marcus Davis is what I've heard.
[Sledge pauses for a few moment.]
SLEDGE: Sounds like you know just about as much as I do. Well, I'm going to get going. I 'm ready to enjoy this Cinnabon. I'll see you at home. And get your bags packed for Seattle.
[Sledge flips his phone shut.]
[Scene fades out.]
[We open upon the massive frame of Big Mike Foyer, seated in a simple folding chair beside the very same black and red late 80's model Chevy 1500K King Cab 4X4 pickup truck, decked out in full ring gear. His forehead is split open, his nose is bloodied, and his lip is split in one corner, and he obviously sported several bleeding lacerations that could only be done by barbwire tearing across the flesh. Apparently this video had been shot on the same night as his match against Julian "Bane" Beckson. Despite the bruises, the blood, and the overall ravaged state he was in, the man appeared even stronger than he did entering the arena.]
BMF- ...Nobody understands why I'm doing this. What is wrong with you people? Can't you see Leon Corella for what he truly is?!
[...There was a glint of mania, a psychotic fire that burned brightly within the confines of those dark brown eyes. His jaw sets and he props his knuckels upon his knees, leaning in towards the camera...]
What I do, I do because it must be done. Each and every word out of his mouth is a vile lie spoken on a forked, serpent tongue. He is decieving you all, and you are buying into it. I don't hate the fans who cry out his name, for they are ignorant to the truths I speak. I don't hate the boys in the back, who mistakenly give him respect for much the same reason....
[...A droplet of blood runs down his face, landing in a rather small, fresh puddle of blood. He wipes some of it away from his brow with the back of his hand, quickly licking it off...]
You may hate me because my methods could be seen as wrong, but I don't lie to you. I don't kiss your ass or say the name of your hometown just for a cheap pop and a quick cheer...
[...Big Mike shudders slightly, as if fighting to keep his emotions in check...]
...The man is a liar, a murderer of dreams, and a killer of hope, and that is why at Contain's Spoilers, I will win. I have to win and It must be at all costs. For a third time, I have to put the Nazi down, and Maurice, sorry boy, but you're going to have to wait a little longer for your shot...
[...He grits his teeth with rage, speaking through them as they gnash uncontrollably...]
...I MUST face Leon Corella, and take away his hopes and dreams like he did mine. Only when he has felt ten times the suffering that I have, will I find my absolution...
[...A single tear trails down his blood soaked face...]
...My justice...
[...His lip trembles...]
[...Big Mike shoots to a stand, kicking the chair he was sitting upon back and away from him against the garage wall. He moves in on the camera, gathering it up in his hands and holding it up to his face...]
This is the face of a man who will do unspeakable things to those who wrong him. The face of a man who doesn't give one tenth of a f**k about anyone who stands in his way...
[...He takes in a deep breath, the camera shaking slightly as his entire body shivers with violent rage...]
...Maurice Thompson... Julian Beckson... If you don't leave the Arena on a stretcher at "Contain's Spoilers"... You'll leave in body bags...
[...With a violent swing, the camera is sent flying through the air, the feed quickly cutting to static and then fading to black.]
[Fade into a clove of garlic. The garlic for a moment seems to be floating in mid-air in front of an equally floating cross. As we pan backwards, we see that both are attached to the same bit of rope, now dangling from the pale arm of a very unamused woman. Eyebrow raised at someone just off camera, Mina "The Vamp" Eyre speaks in those dulcet tones we've all come to know and love.]
EYRE: You have GOT to be shitting me.
[The voice that responds is, of course, her teammate and mentor Joe "Deadman" Pansac.]
PANSAC: I shit you not.
EYRE: I'm not wearing this.
PANSAC: Mina...
EYRE: NO, damnit. This is ridiculous. It's bad enough I get assholes who want me to PRETEND to be a vampire, now I have to worry about someone attacking me because they think I'm REALLY a vampire. It's total bullshit. Why can't I just fight these Klezkavanians? They want to come at me, I'll rip their fucking throats out. Seems fair to me.
[Joe finally steps into frame, wearing his traditional gray flannel shirt.]
PANSAC: Look, I sympathize. I really do. But these Klezkavanians are apparently going to help keep the DCWL afloat, and what do you think Kyle Hayden's going to do to the poor soul who would interfere with his cash flow...or future business opportunities.
[Eyre opens her mouth to reply, but Joe gestures meaningfully at the camera.]
PANSAC: Just be thankful that Vampires can be dealt with using holy water or garlic. I still haven't figured out how to counter someone trying to chop my head off, or God forbid SHOOT Wolf. Besides, looking for a fight elsewhere is only going to distract you from your match against Juri.
[Mina rolls her eyes.]
EYRE: I wouldn't worry about it if the Klezkavanians believed in leopard-people and demon/angels like they do vampires and zombies. Juri's got a gigantic ego that doesn't seem to match her talent. Molly Molotov dominated their match last time out. I know better than to take her lightly - she CAN fight - but it's going to take a hell of a lot more than a few flippy moves and luck with the ropes to put me down.
[Her eyes narrow.]
EYRE: And for someone preaching focus, I'd have thought you'd be spending more time preparing for your match than babysitting me.
PANSAC: I haven't forgotten. Unique Element are the champs, and any one of them is going to be a tough bastard. To be honest, though, I'm sick and tired of these damn Ace Killas.
EYRE: I thought they were the New...
PANSAC: Nah, I know Ace. He still runs that show, clever movie reference or not. I always laughed at the childish pranks and general lack of talent. Those have been the team's trademarks for years. But they took it too far this time. Now we're involved too, and as good of a bartender as James was he deserves the beating he's about to get. I'll take a victory any day, but you won't see me shed a tear if Unique Element kicks the tar out of him after what the Killas have pulled. It may not end in Seattle, but when I'm done with James, one way or another, he'll be fit to be six feet under.
[Joe jerks his head to gesture to a spot off camera.]
PANSAC: Come on, let's go find Wolf. And don't forget that necklace for Seattle.
EYRE: I already told you...
[Joe's tone is softer.]
PANSAC: Please, Mina. it for me, alright? Maybe seeing that stuff can prevent them attacking you. I just...don't want you hurt, okay?
[Mina stares coolly at him, then relaxes.]
EYRE: Fine, fine.
[She places the garlic and cross around her neck, looking down disapprovingly at her newest accessory. The two walk off camera as we fade out.]
Its an unseasonably warm day in Tokyo, Japan and this is evident by the fact that most of the people walking the streets of huge metropolis are in short sleeves and shorts. Its the kind of day that would make someone that loved to be around people want to hang out and just enjoy life!
That is...unless you're the "Dark Angel"
Ah yes Joshua Curtis a.k.a. The "Dark Angel" of the DCWL and someone that has earned quite the name and rep for himself in the young company as a risk taker and a man with the most unorthodox wrestling style in the company just came off of a big time match against Maurice Thompson in which he narrowly escaped with the victory and now the DCWL management has decided that he is deserving of a chance to become the number one contender to the DCWL Dangerous Championship. The catch: Having to beat potentially 7 more competitors maximum and now it stands at 3 other wrestlers in Mad Cow, Max Turbo and some idiot from a country I promise you no one ever heard of!
Now...where is Joshua? Good question because after his match against Thompson last anyone heard he showered, got changed and left the building without saying much....not that that is unusual behavior from him but usually you only do that if you LOSE a big match right? So I guess the big question here is this: What's his beef?!
That is something that a lot of the wrestling public wanted to know and there are few people in the world that could ACTUALLY talk to him and get him to speak about his problems! Hmm...who could actually find him and get him to open up? don't think? Did he?
I kid you not when I tell you that a 2009 Toyota Camry was seen speeding through the roads on its way to his location. The driver? One of the few women in any promotion that Joshua trusts to speak to when he needs to open up: "The Prodigy" Heather Owens!
Yes folks...DCWL's first true straight couple HAS arrived!
Heather is wearing a blue blazer, white blouse and blue tie with a matching skirt and heel and for the first time ever she is seen wearing a pair of prescription glasses that a doctor recently prescribed to her and as she gets out of the car she smiles as she looks at the dojo that Joshua trains at knowing full well this where he has helped season her wrestling style along with Tina Davis and Juri whom you no doubt know as "The Revolution".
As Heather enters the darkened dojo Heather looks around and starts calling for her "Gothic Lover" the only way she knows how:
Heather Owens - Joshua! Où sont vous ? Nous devons parler
(Joshua! Where are you? We need to talk)
[As Heather looks around and wanders further into his..."lair", as he likes to refer to it to people sometimes, Joshua is seen doing modified situps on the pullup bar in a far corner and when he hears his name called and that cute French dialect he knows so well he pushes off the wall and backflips landing on both feet and turning to see his "Lover from the light" as he likes to put it and gives a rare smile before addressing her]
Dark Angel - Bonjour ma chère Bruyère. J'espère que vous aviez un vol plaisant pour arriver ici
(Good Afternoon my dear Heather. I trust that you had a pleasant flight to get here)
Heather Owens - J'ai fait. C'était gentil de la considération solitaire d'habitude Tina est avec moi pour me garder la compagnie mais je sais qu'elle a été envoyée par vous pour entraîner Juri pour son match contre Mina Eyre, donc c'est parfait. Comment votre temps est-il entré dans DCWL et vous y habituez-vous personnellement encore ?
(I did. It was kind of lonely considering usually Tina is with me to keep me company but I know that she was sent by you to train Juri for her match against Mina Eyre ,so that's fine. How has your time been going in DCWL and are you personally getting used to it yet?)
Dark Angel - Oui j'ai entendu de son entraînement pour ce match contre Mina et de que je comprends qu'elle a pris ses gros morceaux aussi bien que leur a donné. Je sais aussi que les gens parfaits dans la Hiérarchie DCWL ont décidé que je devais être dans un match de grondement contre les semblables des gens comme Max Turbo, Vache Folle et autre type d'un autre pays sur le haut de potentiellement 4 autres lutteurs dans le match pour déterminer un adversaire numéro un du titre Dangereux.
Il me semblerait au moins que les gens DCWL aussi bien que les gens dans le match le besoin prochain d'apprendre un peu de respect de quelqu'un comme moi et quand je suis pissed ce n'est pas une bonne chose!
(Yes I heard about her training for that match against Mina and from what I understand she took her lumps as well as gave them. I also know that the fine folks in the DCWL Hierarchy decided that I needed to be in a rumble match against the likes of people like Max Turbo, Mad Cow and some other dude from another country on top of potentially 4 other wrestlers in the match to determine a number one contender for the Dangerous title.
It would appear to me at least that the DCWL people as well as the folks in the match upcoming need to learn a bit of respect from someone like me and when I'm pissed that's NOT a good thing!)
Heather Owens – J'examinais le bios de quelques-uns des lutteurs que vous feriez face dans la course pour rivaliser avec pour le titre et moi gotta disent ya ... ils ont reçu certains idiots baisants dans là!
(I was looking over the bios of a few of the wrestlers that you'd be facing in the scramble to compete against for the title and I gotta tell ya...they got some fucking loons in there!)
Dark Angel – Oh?
Heather Owens - Oui! On est ce gars qu'ils appellent "la Vache Folle" et le bâtard idiot croit vraiment qu'il est d'une ferme. La chose que vous devez regarder pour lui est qu'il est un grand type et pèse une tonne! Il pourrait être un de vos obstacles les plus résistants pour arriver au coup de titre
(Yes! One is this guy that they call "The Mad Cow" and the crazy bastard actually believes that he is from a farm. The thing that you have to watch for him is that he is a big dude and weighs a ton! He might be one of your toughest obstacles to get to the title shot)
Dark Angel - J'ai déjà fait face "Grand Atma" dans mon premier match et honnêtement que le type m'A EFFRAYÉ à cause dans lequel j'entrais contre ... que d'autre nous avons reçu ?
(I've already faced "The Great Atma" in my first match and honestly that dude SCARED me because of what I was going in against...who else we got?)
Heather Owens - J'aime la confiance entrant dans le match Joshua! Bien ensuite nous avons "Max Turbo" sur que vous avez un avantage de hauteur le croient ou non! Je sais que ne vous signifie rien dans l'anneau dès que la cloche sonne mais vous pourriez être capables d'utiliser l'avantage faible pour l'épuiser
(I'm loving the confidence going into the match Joshua! OK next we have "Max Turbo" whom you have a height advantage on believe it or not! I know that means nothing to you in the ring once the bell rings but you might be able to use the slight advantage to wear him out)
Dark Angel - Mais de que mes boy-scouts me disent il est un peu plus clair aussi pour que puissent nier l'avantage là. Je pense honnêtement qu'il pourrait être mon épreuve la plus grande dans le match et ensuite je suis déjà au courant de ce "Héros national" de ce pays dont nous gotta nous occupons. Honnêtement que ces gens vont réaliser au spectacle suivant est qu'ils sont trespassing dans NOTRE maison maintenant et c'est quelque chose que vous ne faites pas juste!
Vous voyez la Bruyère... On m'a donné une opportunité de nouveau montrer que je peux faire dans un anneau luttant sans l'inquiétude et le non-sens de politique, que chacun sait aussi bien que vous, est c'est TOUT SPW était, est et sera jamais! CETTE compagnie que ce club social installe de l'argent derrière pour le spectacle consiste en ce où je vis maintenant. Son où mon étudiant Juri réside et nous sommes tout à fait heureux ici en ce moment. Le jour que je vends mon âme à SPW est de nouveau le jour que je mets à la retraite!
(But from what my scouts tell me he's a bit lighter too so that might negate the advantage there. I think honestly he might be my biggest test in the match and then I already know about this "National Hero" from this country that we gotta deal with. Honestly what these people are going to realize at the next show is that they are trespassing in OUR home now and that is something you just don't do!
You see Heather...I was given an opportunity to once again show what I can do in a wrestling ring without the worry and nonsense of politics, which everyone knows as well as you, is that is ALL SPW was, is and ever will be! THIS company that this social club is putting the money in behind for the show is where I live now. Its where my student Juri resides and we are quite happy here at the moment. The day I sell my soul to SPW again is the day I retire!)
Heather Owens - Je ne pouvais pas être d'accord plus et honnêtement je ne veux pas qu'ils soient en mesure de régner sur le monde luttant. Nous devons trouver des alternatives à SPW mais le problème est que n'importe quelle compagnie qui essaie de faire sa chose tout seul SPW entre, baise avec cela et ensuite cela devient la même baliverne ferme dont le catch n'a pas besoin. C'est 2010 et je crois que nous pouvons convenir que nous devons donner aux fans luttant qu'ils veulent en arrière et je vous promets Joshua que je ferai tout le possible dans SPW pour le leur rendre là.
(I couldn't agree more and honestly I don't want them to be able to rule over the wrestling world. We need to find alternatives to SPW but the problem is that any company that tries to do its thing on its own SPW comes in, fucks with it, and then it becomes the same stable bullshit that wrestling doesn't need. This is 2010 and I think we can agree that we need to give wrestling fans what they want back and I promise you Joshua that I will do my best in SPW to give it back to them there.)
Dark Angel – [LAUGHS] Et c'est pourquoi vous êtes un membre "de Monde le Plus parfait" mon chéri Heather. Vous faites votre travail avec Tina à votre côté et je VOUS PROMETS de bonnes choses arriveront pour vous là.
Chéri de bonne chance Heather!
(And this is why you are a member of "World's Finest" my darling Heather. You do your job with Tina at your side and I PROMISE you good things will happen for you there.
Good luck darling Heather!)
Heather Owens – Bien merci DA! Son un plaisir de travailler avec un monsieur comme vous et deux femmes élégantes et belles dans Tina Davis et Juri alors il n'y a AUCUN remplacement!
Et avant que j'oublie personnellement ...
Bonne chance dans la course!
(Well thank you DA! Its a pleasure to work with a gentleman such as yourself and two elegant and beautiful women in Tina Davis and Juri then there is NO replacement!
And before I personally forget...
Good luck in the scramble!)
[The scene closes with Joshua escorting to Heather to the exit and tenderly kissing her on the lips before showing her the door and going back to his training. As he does the screen fades to black with the following words appearing in red letters on the screen:
"Do you Believe in Angels?"
[In a dark room sits a solitary empty folding chair, lit only by a single bulb overhead. This simple image sits silently for a moment before a man with eyesore tights and stringy brown hair enter into the frame - "Something Better" Wolf Masterson. He turns the chair backwards and straddles the seat, sitting down with his arms resting on the chair's back. Resting his head on his crossed arms, he stares darts at the camera.]
WOLF: You know, Jackson, there are some people in this company that don't believe I should even be in the ring with you. They say I haven't paid my dues, that stepping in the ring with a two time former champ like you is something to be earned, not something willingly given to a punk kid who's best known as a trios wrestler. You took my challenge anyway. I don't know if it was out of pity, or out of arrogance, or just because you felt like fighting. Really, it doesn't matter. I want to thank you anyway, for giving me a chance. Not a chance to prove myself, but a chance to make things right.
[He lifts his head slightly, but only enough to look at a point around the camera man's feet.]
WOLF: They don't understand, those people who criticize me. They haven't had their career saved by someone who could have just as easily let them crash and burn. They haven't been entrusted with the success of what could be a truly great trio, if only they learn how to work on the same page and overcome distractions. They don't understand, but maybe you do.
[He sits back a bit.]
WOLF: At Ark of Triocalypse, I felt like I had my guts ripped out. We were in the finals, one win away from a title match and the chance at any second match we wanted. Mina only let it slip once, but she wanted to use that contract for a shot at Sierra Browne and the Sirens title. Joe never said a damn word, but Mina and I knew how much a shot at the Grand would mean to him, after all those years as a joke and an afterthought.
[A small half smile.]
WOLF: And me? Hell, I could have done any damn thing I wanted.
[And, just as quickly, it fades.]
WOLF: And the only thing, the ONLY thing, standing in our way was a team that was BEGGING to fall apart. BMF, the Big Nasty and Mike Anderson? Add in a little tension and that union was bound to explode. We were an unbreakable team going against three guys who would just as soon stomp on one another as look at them. In the end, though, Joe and Mina held up their end of the bargain. I didn't. I cost Horrorshow a shot at everything we had worked so hard to accomplish.
[He scratches the back of his head for a moment.]
WOLF: And then you come in with your little power play. I suppose I should thank you for that. It was because of your stunt that we were awarded half the prize we were seeking anyway. Maybe not quite as sweet under the circumstances, but remembering the work we put in towards that title shot helped us deal with it. So there we are in a rematch of what was essentially a draw (and looking back on it, no matter what Unique Element or anyone else says, there was no clear winner in that first match and could have gone to either side), all of what we had hoped for since Horrorshow formed there for the taking. Another big match, another time where I let my team down. We fought too hard and too long to just lose like that, but for whatever reason I couldn't bring my shoulder up off that mat.
[A long sigh.]
WOLF: Joe told me not to worry about it, that we'd get another shot soon. Maybe, but this isn't just about the Trios titles anymore. This is about proving I belong in this league. This is about making up for disappointing performances every time something big is on the line.
[The camera zooms in.]
WOLF: You have that contract because you saw what you wanted and took it from them. You wanted it. I NEED it. I NEED that contract to right the wrongs I've committed. I don't care that you beat Speedwagon, maybe the worst wrestler on the DCWL roster. I don't care that the Klezkavanian people will want to pump me full of silver because they think I'm a werewolf. I don't care about your past titles or your future plans. I only care about one thing - getting that damn contract and proving all over again that I am NOT just another wrestler to be schooled by the great Jackson Hunter. I am...Something Better.
[He stands up, scowls at the camera briefly, then walks out as we fade to black.]
[The scene opens upon that well known black, green, and silver, backlit DCWL banner. Wearing one of his usual snazzy suits, this one a light charcoal color with a white dress shirt, Leon Corella steps into view. Upon his left shoulder is the DCWL Grand Championship belt that he will be defending very soon. He looks into the camera and proceeds to make his speech...]
Corella- ...I've walked a hard road these past few months, one paved in hardship and baked in unrelenting pain. My past has been thrown into my present, and will undoubtedly effect my immediate future...
[...His brow furrows, and his gaze is cast momentarily off camera...]
...I won't lie to you people...
[...Leon looks back to the camera...]
...I've been shaken, but I'm most certainly not shattered by any stretch of the imagination. Big Mike Foyer's war has taken many shades and depths, and has surprisingly been as psychological as it's been physical. I have underestimated him, and it has cost me dearly.
[...He shifts the belt on his shoulder...]
He and I will conclude our business soon enough. I'd rather it be sooner rather than later, but first thing is first. The American Freebear...
[...His jaw sets and his head dips forward slightly, giving him the dangerous, predatory look of an angry and hungry wolf...]
...Say what you will about the previous Champion, Julian Beckson. He is certainly among the most hated men on the face of the planet, but he earned his right to be champion. He faced off against several contenders and beat them all to get this precious prize. I did much the same, making my mark and facing against potential contenders until I too, held that coveted Number One Contender spot. What came next was inevitable...
[...Leon holds that belt up and out towards the camera now for emphasis, his name on the face plate gleaming brightly...]
...I went on to earn the right to have my name engraved on this belt, even spilling my blood upon the canvas in doing so...
[...He lowers the belt and places it back upon his shoulder...]
...I am not sorry for what I did to you at "Contact". A man should never beg and plead for his shot at destiny. A man goes out and TAKES destiny by the throat and chokes it into submission!
[...His hand is now held out in a choking gesture, shuddering as if he were really choking someone. Slowly he curls those fingers into a tightened fist, and then drops down to his side...]
...That is why at "Contain's Spoilers", My name will be proclaimed over the house speakers as the winner and STILL... Grand... Champion...
[...Leon smirks...]
...and believe me when I say this, You're no Big Mike Foyer. I'm going to enjoy kicking your ass in front of each and every DCWL Fan while they cheer my name!
[...He points at his chest, his breathing sped up as if a small surge of adrenaline began to course through his system...]
...This is not a boast or an empty threat, Freebear. As long as I'm the Champion, you never will be...
[...With that he turns and steps off camera, the scene fades quickly to black.]
[We open to a nice little recording studio, filmed in front of a live audience! Blaze Crimson (you know, the backstage interviewer nobody ever uses) is there to greet us, modernly attired for the circumstances and comfortably seated amidst the relaxed decor. She becons the camera to come closer so that we may all see her wonderful smile, the little minx.]
CB: Hello folks! I'm Crimson Blaze and tonight we have a very special guest with us tonight! He's the challenger to the DCWL's Heavyweight championship title, let's give a warm welcome to the American Freebear!
[Camera pans right, showing us a huge Hungarian Puli sitting up on a chair right next to Crimson. It's panting heavily due to the hot studio lights.]
AF: (offscreen) I'm right here, dummy.
[Camera pans LEFT. Where the American Freebear is sitting. Big hairy monster, nearly three-forty hundred pound in size, possessing a leap that will utterly shatter your bones. And he doesn't look too amused.]
AF: See, it's that lack of respect that offends me in the DCWL. Everybody knows that the American Freebear is a pretty big deal: former two-times Heavyweight champion in the Mid-South region, big TV star in the Strickland Sports Network... but ever since I've signed with this God-forsaken federation I've been fighting off the dregs of the wrestling world from the Mean Street Killas to the Drake Tungsten! Doesn't look like the string of embarassements is about to end as I finally lay my hands on Mr. "Perfection" himself, Mr "I strive to be the best at everything that I do- Oh give us all a break already", Mr. Weezin' "Triple dots" Weasel himself, Leon Corella!
[Crowd boos vehemently but the Freebear is quick to yell out and get this interview back to order.]
AF: I'll have ya'all know I'm from the SOUTH, ruler of the mid-South region; and I've never seen such a rinky-dink operation as this one in my prestigious career! (Crowd boos HARDER) No, no; where I come from we're *civilised* people, we got talented athletes who know wrestling, love wrestling; are in touch with the latest moves being used around the world... All you have in the DCWL are a bunch of inbred hicks!!
[And it only gets worse from there...]
AF: I'm heading to Seattle for "Contains Soilers"... Lemme tell ya, all ya have in Seattle are a bunch of coffee sippin' bums; BEANERS are what they're called and I ain't gonna apologize for calling them BEANERS... Everybody knows that a truly civilized Southern gentlemen can only find solace in a cool Minty Julep, but maybe if you'd just put down the wifi and pick up a job, Northerners could stop making themselves the shame of the American nation! I SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES, I MAKE MY OWN MOONSHINE!!! Lord knows from which country is manufactured those unearthly coffee snacks you partake. But nooooooo, all you have north of the Mason-Dixon are a bunch of uneducated savages! Listen, I come from Jacksonville University, still have my Dolphins jersey back at home... Ask me how many universities there are in YAKIMA???? Huh? What about universities in prestigious Hartline, WA??? None, that's how much! it's like you Northern hicks WANT to stay ignorant!!
[He glares his eyes with utter contempt for the people as he faces the camera.]
AF: Your state mascot is a bloody MARMOT!!!!!
AF: So with all that said, Leon Corella is just another ignorant, irrational Northerner just there to have the local crowd whoop and holler for him. How utterly primitive and despicable! Sure, people might say I live in my ivory tower down in the bastion of education that is Florida, but it still beats having to perform for a bunch half-starved yokels invaded by homely CANADIANS stealing all of our American jobs! Nope, when I come to "Seattle" for Contains Spoilers, it's to maul Leon Corella, to crush him flat with my Freebear Moonsault; be the pride of my Florida state by being the only bear that flies.... And this bear you cannot chaaaange, from becoming DCWL's Grand Championship... Champion, I guess. Grand Championship champion? Who makes up the names for these belts?
[Crimson is at a loss for words, but Freebear just roars really really loudly and gets up from his chair, walking out of this segment in DISGUST! We turn over to the Hungarian puli for his input.]
[We would like to thank the dog for his well informed opinion on the matter. FADE OUT!]
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