January 15, 2010

DCWL #10 - "The Year We Make Contact" - January 13, 2010 - Saskatoon, SK


[The weather in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan is cool late in the afternoon; just below the freezing point at its warmest. Mario Speedwagon's breath hangs in the air in the orange light of the setting sun.]

MARIO: So this is it, huh. Saskatoon, the promised land for the DCWL's prodigal son. Well, man, listen to me now. Everyone is talking like this is Jackson Hunter's big homecoming to his hometown and his very favorite federation. Man, I don't need to tell you how much that harshes my buzz. See, I'm a DCWL vet too. And when he was Cadillacing with his Grand Championship and his chubby girlfriend, I was knocking myself out night after night.

[He spits on to the sidewalk.]

MARIO: See, I'm the other side of the coin. I'm one of the people he held down so he could hold on the Grand for a little while longer. So, bro, tonight I think I got it in me to upset you in front of your hometown crowd. Hey Jax, for every one of you, there's at least of me. I'm going to take you down for all my compadres you held back. I'm doing this for The Rat. I'm doing this for Guido The Great. I'm doing this for Noah Prejudice. I'm doing this for Alexander Hawkins. I'm doing this for Crimestarter Jim. You got a of bad karma you got to answer for, man. And tonight, you're going to live up to your end of the bargain, and I'm taking that blank contract. MAN.

[Pan over slightly...]

[The parking lot is full of Paparazzi as a black limo pulls up. The driver calmly exits from his door wearing a black suit. He opens up the door and first out is Aaron Wilson, followed by Danny Gunderson, and then Gabe Lindsay. All three have the FMLA Trios Championships around their shoulders. They are also dressed quite stylish; wearing white, red, and dark blue button down shirts to go along with their black dress pants and shoes.]

[Behind them steps out Maurice Thompson, cameras begin to flash as American's new Pop Culture Superstar steps out of the limo wearing a gray suit along with a white dress shirt. Maurice steps aside as the driver sticks out his hand. The hand is grasped by the lovely cover model Anette Furuseth. Even more flash bulbs go off as she is followed by actress Bernardina Maroquin. The ladies are wearing green and red silk dresses respectively. They wave to the Paparazzi and a few dozen fans who are held back by barriers and a few security guards.]

[They make their way to inside of the arena. Aaron decides to turn towards the crowd and deliver a message before the group disappears inside the arena.]

Wilson: We're getting our titles back tonight...

[The group disappears inside as fans shout in the direction of Bernardina and Annette.]



[Cut to the University of Saskatchewan's Rutherford Arena, where a few hundred fans circle the ring. One can't help but notice how much it looks like every other non-supercard venue the DCWL has used...]

RM: Welcome, DCWL fans to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and welcome to 2010: "The Year We Make Contact." Home turf not only for the returning Jackson Hunter, but for our commissioner and deputy commissioner as well.

CC: I'm sure home turf for the deputy commissioner is a lot hotter than this, Rich.

RM: Just like you to buy right in to the whole "Satan" thing, huh, Chazz? I'm Rich Manning and joining me once again is Christian Chazz. And on the Dangerous Championship Wrestling League's tenth show, it's more than just a homecoming, isn't it?

CC: Damn right. It's the unification of the women's championships from Spirit of Wrestling and the DCWL. Sierra Browne or Fiona Casey have the chance of a lifetime and to be champion of both promotions is a huge opportunity.

RM: Tonight is also marks Unique Element's second Trio title defense and this is a match that has been building for months, belts or no belts. Horrorshow have been rising FAST up the rankings and when they advanced over Unique Element in the Ark of Triocalypse tournament, that stung the champs bad. Which squad will reign supreme? We'll find out in tonight's main event!

CC: And how about Derrick Ford saying he'll leave the main roster of the DCWL if he loses the Dangerous Championship? Sledge hasn't tasted defeat yet but Ford, when he's confident, is a tough cat to beat.

RM: And our new Grand Champion will be teaming up with the man who upset him a couple months ago and the man he will be facing in 21 days at "Contains Spoilers." Leon Corella teams with Mad Cow and American Freebear to squa-- er, take on the New Main Street Killas! Also tonight, in what promises to be a good old fashioned barnburner of a match, Maurice Thompson take on Joshua Curtis in a Best of Three Falls match

CC: All this and BMF hitting Bane with hard and heavy objects.

RM: Well, we have to start somewhere, so we'll start with Max Turbo taking on Drake Tungsten.

CC: Oh, Drake. Terrible wrestler; good ice cream bars.

RM: You liked Drake Tungsten ice cream bars?

CC: No, I just have a freezer full of them I've been saving since about 1990. Those things are going to be worth something to somebody.

RM: Chazz, every single reference to your personal life paints an ever darker picture of a damaged, lonely little man.

CC: Ah, sez you! You want an ice cream bar or not?

[Chazz holds up two ice cream bars. Rich Manning takes one.]

RM: Are you kidding? Hit me with one of those before I start drooling on the format sheet! Take over, Buckley!




WINNER: Drake Tungsten (Vanilla Lariat, 10:41)

RM: Well. That was certainly a... match.

CC: Yeah, good on Drake Tungsten for properly dying his hair a semi-natural color.

RM: Max Turbo's losing streak continues into the new year and-- oh, not again...

[Long after Drake Tungsten has cleared the arena, Doug Foster has appeared behind Max Turbo. Turbo stumbles to his feet on wobbly legs, and Foster raises the chair in his hands above his head.]

CC: Behind you!

[Max Turbo turns around, just in time...]



[...To see Alexander Davis leap from the crowd and snatch away the chair before Foster can do anything with it! Foster looks dumbfounded, and when he turns around again, Max Turbo has been replaced by...

RM: It's the Great Atma!

[Atma spits green mist into Foster's face as Davis looks on from the crowd, unable to disguise a grin. Foster's personal entourage fill the ring, but Atma and Turbo are long gone, and Alexander Davis looks on from the crowd, an innocent expression on his face. He shrugs as Foster wipes the green gunk from his face.]

[What interference?]

RM: "The Question" knows exactly what Alexander Davis did back there.

CC: Man, those redshirts of Foster ain't exactly a crack unit there. I guess $8.50 an hour doesn't buy the kind of protection it used to. I'm glad to see Merton West make a full recovery after getting his face burned off too. Got the Great Atma paint back on and everything.

RM: Uh, Chazz? From what I hear, he doesn't exactly need face paint any more...

CC: Ooh.


[...The Camera opens backstage where we find BMF seated in a locker room, lacing up his boots as he prepares to face Beckson later in the evening.  There is a boom off camera as two double doors burst open, and Big Mike starts to rise only to sit back down as the head of a gold and black sledgehammer appears on screen, pointed directly at him.  The Camera pulls back to reveal Leon Corella in full ring gear, sporting an intimidating, hateful scowl...]

Corella-  ...You son of a bitch....

[...BMF smirks at Leon, finally rising to a stand before the DCWL Grand Chamion...]

BMF-  ...ooooo... Big bad man with the nasty ol' hammer.

Corella-  SHUT UP!!!

[...Leon's sudden outburst makes BMF blink, his head tilting ever so slightly to the left...]

Corella-  ...Right now, if I wanted to Mike, I could finish the job I started on you years ago.  I could have done that at any time, and you would not have seen it coming.  I could have put you into a lifelong COMA motherfucker....

[...The big man sneers at Corella...]

BMF-  Then why don't you go ahead and do it bitch?!  Prove me right, end me right here and now and I won't ever screw with you again...

[...For several seconds, the two men are like statues.  Big Mike suddenly grins at Leon, and turns around, lowering to his knees.  Leon blinks, confusion writing itself across his tensed features...]

BMF-  ...There, is that easier for you Leo?  Too much of a pussy to look me in the eye when you do it?

[...Leon rears that hammer back with a sharp inhale of breath, Big Mike tenses with his eyes closed.  Leon holds that hammer back, shaking with rage now, his teeth bared and his eyes wild with hate...]

BMF-  ...Do it...  What are you waiting for....?

[...slowly he lowers that hammer to his side and shakes his head, anger written across his expression...]

Corella- ...No...

[...BMF rises to his feet and slowly turns to face Leon, his scarred forehead wrinkling up as his face twisted into a mixture of anger and shock...]

BMF-  ...You charge in here like a Billy Badass with your hammer and you don't do anything?  I made it easy for you...

[...Suddenly Leon charges forward, bracing the hammer lengthwise against BMF's throat, practically choking the man as he pinned him to the wall with a pure surge of adrenaline and rage.  As Big Mike struggled, Leon spoke to him through gritted teeth in a low, dark voice...]

Corella-  ...I did nothing to deserve what you did to me and my family.  What happened those years ago was between us.  You and me.  You were the one who took the bitch route.  YOU were the one who brought my house into this.  You could have hurt me, as I hurt you, embarrassed me before a crowd of thousands with millions of people watching at home.  You could have even broken my neck and killed me and it wouldn't have mattered as much as what you have done, Mike...

[...Tears well up in Leon's eyes as BMF's face begins turning blue...]

Corella-  I am sorry for what I did to you Mike.  Not a day goes by that I don't torture myself for what I did to you, but the apologies.... End... HERE!!!

[...He releases the big man, letting Mike drop to his knees, holding his throat and gasping for air...]

Corella-  ...I want to end this once and for all.  You and me, Micheal...

[...BMF was now on one knee, wringing his throat, glowering up at Leon...]

...One on One...

[...Leon pointed the hammer at him, backing away from BMF who was now on his feet, the intensity in his glare enough to cut a lesser man completely in half...]

BMF-  You're on, Leon Corella, and when it's over, they'll be taking you out in a CASKET!!!

[...Big Mike quakes with unbridled fury now as he watched Corella step out of the locker room.  He rears his head back, and slams it brutally into a locker door, practically smashing it in and sending the rows of lockers behind it tumbling down like dominoes!]


[...Blood trickles down Big Mike's forehead as the scene fades back to ringside...]




WINNER: Juri (End of the World, 9:37)

RM: Good win for Juri there; that's a proper DCWL debut for you!

CC: Yeah, Juri took that Left-Turn Jammer and was able to make the ropes when Molotov put on that Mindbender. Plus she's from Japan and likes the color orange. Following in Skye Ashner's footsteps is always a good thing.


[The scene opens to all three members of Unique Element standing in front of a frightened Ace Stevens. The DCWL Trios Champions have managed to trap him up against a dumpster, the stolen Trios Championships are in his arms.]

Wilson: Drop the titles Ace...

[Ace complies with the demands and immediately drops them. Unique Element go over to Ace and grab him up.]

Lindsay: I hope this is a lesson for you...

[They throw Lindsay into the dumpster in one heave before picking up the titles. Their faces look angry as they inspect them.]

Gunderson: Fakes...

Wilson: Yeah...

[They throw the belts down as they walk off in anger.]


CC: Man, this is like that time Ert Williams turned a Panasonic 3D0 into an XBOX 360 with nothing more than duct tape and a magic marker.

RM: Well, Chazz, next we see the return of a wrestler you and I are very familiar with. He's a former 2-time Grand Champion...

CC: Not to mention a multiple DCWL award winner. Although most of those were for "Most Hated."

RM: Jackson Hunter for the first time in his career will wrestle in a DCWL ring front of his hometown crowd, and in his big comeback match. But, Chazz, the former Dangerous Champion may have something to say about that.

CC: That's right. For all the people here who wish him well, Jax has stepped on a lot of people and Mario's out to collect on the invoice.

RM: Let's hand it down to Buckley Luck!




WINNER: Jackson Hunter (Instant Karma!, 22:37)

RM: Tough win by Jax. He took a licking in that match!

CC: Yeah, but that's just the way it is with Jax: he gets the hell beaten out of him but always wills himself to a win. Or... cheats. Whatever.

RM: Jax wins in front of his hometown crowd and you have to wonder what's going through the minds of the DCWL now. Mario Speedwagon had him on the ropes there more than once.

CC: That's a big juicy target there, he's got that briefcase and he says he'll open it for the man that defeats him in the ring. Someone's got to take him down and snag that blank contract.

RM: Well, up next are two athletes who the buzz suggests may do that. These two have the potential to be breakout stars and their styles are sure to be must-watch. Maurice Thompson has been with us since our second show-- he wrestled for the Grand Championship at Plunderland '09; Josh Curtis only recently joined the DCWL but he's been a mainstay in the wrestling scene for several years now and he unquestionably has the experience in his corner.

CC: Yeah, and I'm starting to think Thompson here is getting caught up in distractions: this charity, the celebrity, all these other organizations chasing him and I assume he has petitioned DCWL management for a shot at Leon Corella's Grand Championship. I want to see if he can stay focussed when it matters most after the bell rings.

RM: It's Curtis versus Thompson and it's best of three falls!




FALL 1: Joshua Curtis (The Crucifixion, 12:15)

FALL 2: Maurice Thompson (Evolving Vision Quest, 7:38)

FALL 3: Joshua Curtis (Angel's Creed, 8:03)

WINNER: Joshua Curtis (2-1)

RM: What a match! Thompson came to fight, but I think he got too aggressive and it cost him.

CC: Yeah, that blind charge into the corner was the beginning of the end and he just couldn't come up with a way to put away Curtis. That's one reason why you don't want to guarantee a victory around here.

RM: One thing you don't want to do if you're Maurice Thompson is fall into a slump; we all know that he's on the cusp of greatness.

CC: And hey, how about Curtis? I've been hearing about that Crucifixion, but I've never had the occasion to actually see it. WOW.

RM: One thing's for certain, that performance could count as one of the best in Thompson or Curtis's career. Next up is... probably not a career highlight for Mad Cow, American Freebear or the DCWL Grand Champion, Leon Corella.

CC: Wellll... if Curt Olsen could work a classic match out of The New Main Street Killas, then maybe Corella, Freebear and Mr. Cow might work a minor miracle here. Or it'll be like Godzilla stepping on a cupcake. I dunno.

RM: I'd like to say DCWL management will be watching this match closely, but our Governor General is currently face first in the Loraas bin. Onward to the fake Trio champions!




WINNER: Leon Corella, Mad Cow, American Freebear (Leon Corella d. Necro Bartender, Game Over, 24:37)

RM: Rather good teamwork from Corella, Mad Cow and Freebear there, especially considering the potential for acrimony between those three.

CC: Yeah, the New Main Street Killas didn't get bombed out in the first couple of minutes, so there's always that.

RM: Well, despite being teammates this week in 21 days, Leon Corella will face--

[...Freebear turns around and is met with a furious kick from Leon Corella, nailing him straight in the testicles and effectively doubling him over.  Leon quickly straddles the back of Freebear's head, applies a fast and dirty double U-hook and whips him up onto his shoulder sideswipe style with a growl born from strained effort.  The Crowd reacts with a mixture of confusion and apprehension..]


RM: OH MY GOODNESS!!!  From out of nowhere with a low blow, Leon has The Freebear up on his shoulders for the Game Over!!!

[...With a mighty roar, Leon gets a running start, drops to his knees and savagely slams Freebear head and shoulders first to the canvas with a Release variation of his Game Over finish!  Freebear practically flips onto his belly upon impact, and gazes unfocused in no particular direction with a glass-eyed stare.  Leon rises from the devastated carcass of Freebear, staring upon him with great intensity and furious anger...]

RM: What is prompting this from the Grand Champion?

CC: ...All this pressure that's been placed on the champ must have finally gotten to him!

RM: The Champ has his belt now and has taken the microphone from Buckley, obviously having something to say...

[...The championship belt gleams on his shoulder as the Referee stands between the two of them, one hand checking on the unmoving Freebear, the other in a vain effort to halt any further action from Corella...]

LC: ...You sneaky... f**king... Snake in Bear skin clothing...

[...His breaths came in ragged gasps as he paced back and forth, staring down at the American Freebear...]

LC: ....You think that because you whine and complain about your placement on the match card that that gives you any right to face me for this belt?

[...Leon lifts the belt ever so slightly off of his shoulder...]

LC: ....No...  You didn't earn this!  You played upon the Boss man's sympathies because you clearly are too pathetic to EARN the right to have this prestigious piece of DCWL's legacy.  That's why you stand beside champions, but are not good enough to face them....

[...Freebear tries to get up, but clearly is debilitated.  Leon moves in on the downed big man, and crouches low...]

LC: ...I have fought, bled, and screamed from depths of agony that you could never possibly FATHOM to be here...  and yet all you have to do is go "Boohoo hoo... I'm the Freebear, where's my belt?"  and it gets SERVED UP TO YOU?!!!

[...Leon's stares into those glazed over eyes of Freebear...]

LC: ....There are men on this roster who far more deserving of a chance at this belt.  Men who have bled, fought, and damn near died for their spots and here you are being given a shot that's a slap in the face to each and every man in that locker room who calls themselves a wrestler.  Not once did I ask for this belt.  I never demanded it.  All I did was declare my intent, and take every measureable step to attain my goal...

[...He rises back up, his lip twitching angrily...]

RM: Strong words from the Champ, but is he in the right?

CC: Well, ya know, Freebear is coming out of nowhere in the contendership, but it was really more of the intention to provide the fans with an entertaining match, which I'm pretty sure we'll have now. Personally, I think Corella has a right to be upset, but this may not have been the best course of action for him.

[...the crowd's mixed reaction continues on...]

LC: ...I deserve better than to face a man-child with a sob story...

[...With that he turns, and exits the ring as Muse's "House of the Rising Sun" hits the house PA...]

RM: Man, Leon Corella throws down the gauntlet to American Freebear.

CC: Yeah, I imagine the Flyin' Ursine is going to step his game up for "Contains Spoilers." I guess the championship committee got what they wanted out of announcing this match!

RM: And speaking of throwing down the gauntlet, how about Derrick L. Ford, the only 2-time Dangerous Champion in the DCWL? He's gone on record and said that if he loses the Dangerous Championship he will leave the main roster of the DCWL!

CC: Clearly he doesn't think much of Sledge, but what we've seen so far of Logan Braddock shows he's totally cold-blooded when that bell rings. Whether it's that Death Valley Driver or that Figure Four, he's got a serious arsenal. But Ford's Hansen Lariat and Gas Pump have won him many matches and all he needs to do to fight another day in the black-and-teal squared circle is survive fifteen minutes.

RM: Our first title match of three tonight! Buckley Luck's ready to make the announcements!




WINNER and NEW CHAMPION: Logan Braddock (Block Buster, 11:26)



RM: Logan Braddock is the new DCWL Dangerous Champion!

CC: Ford... is... OUTTA HERE!

RM: Listen to these fans! Sledge may not be the most genial guy in the world, but these fans in Saskatoon are really delighting in Derrick Ford's demise!

[Braddock takes the belt from the ringside official. He can't hide a smirk as he kisses the belt and brushes off the almost catatonic former 2-time champion before heading up the aisle.]

CC: Well, I've never been a big Derrick L. Ford fan, but you can't deny he was a big part of the DCWL. He was the last Platinum Champion and the first Dangerous Champion and I think that accounts for something.


CC: I don't know what it accounts for, but... something.

RM: Well, fans, Sledge is the new Dangerous Champion and the Era of Derrick L. Ford has emphatically come to an end. And I have to echo my colleague Chazz here when I say that although Derrick Ford may not have been the most likeable person, you can't deny his impact in the DCWL.

CC: Ah, he could always sign with the reserve roster. Or I hear Bristol Palin could use a new baby daddy.


[The scene opens to the back, Fiona Casey is shown stretching on a bench. Her SOW Heavenly Championship sits beside her, the silver Championship has the SOW emblem embroiled in the background as "Heavenly" appears underneath. The name plate reads "Fiona Casey."]

[Fiona stands, grabbing her belt in the same action. She looks down as she straps it around her waist. A glisten of sweat beads off her body. She exits the room and walks right past Blaze Crimson who stops her for a moment.]

Blaze: Fiona, your match is only a few moments away..What are you feeling?

[Casey pauses for a moment.]

Fiona: I feel...

[Fiona looks directly into the camera.]

Fiona: That _I_ am the new bitch in town.

[Fiona walks off as the scene fades.]


RM: The two top females in Spirit of Wrestling and the Dangerous Championship Wrestling League square off to unify the two championships, but first, we take you now to the parking garage at the U of S, and our old colleague Hollywood Panzerotti.


[Cut to Panzerotti in a leopard skin fur coat that Liberace would find too garish. A couple hundred fans from the arena have migrated to the garage.]

HP: What it is, monkey humpers? It's Old Panzerotti here to take you through the ins and out of my very favoritest thing in the whole wide world... PLUNDAH!

[Zoom out a bit to show him ringside. Barbed wire covers many surfaces, including the plywood sheets in the corners of the ring. It lines the area directly beside the ring apron.]

HP: That's right, even though Klaus up in there don't believe in weapons, we've made sure plenty are available for BMF to use. Not like either of them need 'em. But just in case they don't hit each other with stuff, Old Panzerotti made sure to make the corners a nice little nest of barbed wire-- no light tubes, variety is the spice of life after all.

[He squats down beside the nest of barbed wire at ringside.]

HP: And just for the hell of it, I went out and got us some landmines. Who needs a Lumberjack Match when you can settle it with the cool impartiality of explosives, right? Well, I feel the ground shaking, that means Big Megazord Foyer is climbing in to the ring. I'm going to leave the fun to Steve Francis. Ciao, losers!

[And a pan up to the ring.]




WINNER: "Big" Mike Foyer (BMF Bomb, 15:23)

[...BMF rolls out of the ring, his face and chest soaked in blood, yet he seemed to be on fire with a life that seemed completely impossible considering the physical state he was in.  Outside the ring, young Jerome stared on in disbelief at the downed Beckson...]

HP: Well my little Dangerous Ones... it's over...  That was one of the best and bloodiest matches we've had ever since the company went from Demented to Dangerous...

RM: Hollywood, it Rich Manning in the arena... is that that kid Bane was bringing with him?

BMF-  YOU SEE LEO?!  I'll do ANYTHING to beat you!  I don't care what it takes to bring you down!!!  All that matters to me is your SUFFERING!!!


[...Mike smiles as he eats up the crowds reaction...]

...When I saw your son tell you that he didn't want to be a wrestler anymore, that you made him SICK...  that made me smile Leo....

...When I saw your Grandfather DISOWN YOU!!!

[...BMF Snickered...]

...I laughed....

...In the locker room, earlier, I wanted you to hit me.  I BEGGED YOU to hit me, and you felt so damn guilty that you just couldn't do it.  Even when you were choking me, I knew you'd just back off...

[...He wipes off some blood from his face with a swipe of his hand, and then licks it right off his palm...]

...Goddamn, I love the taste of this stuff.  It never gets old...

RM: Just plain SICK!

CC: ...There are crazy people in this sport, Rich...

BMF-  ...You don't have the stones to do what's necessary to beat me, Leo.  That's why I'm going to kill you in that ring, before each and every DCWL fan.  I will emotionally, mentally, and physically commit murder on your sorry ass...

[Foyer looks down to the crowd, and spots Jerome.]

RM: Oh no...

CC: Oh god, we need to get some people down there.

[...Just as Foyer grabs a handful of Jerome's shirt]


[...Leon comes running out of the crowd with a sledgehammer in hand...]


CC: He's got his hammer too!!! He's been watching all this time!

[....and BMF quickly turned and lept over the barricade, shoving fans aside as he high tailed out out of the arena.  Leon followed in suit!]


CC: Big Mike's such a Big Hero, he's running for the hills the moment he sees that big bad hammer buddy!!!

HP: Damn. I wanted to see where Big Mike was going with that.


[Cutting back inside the arena...]

CC: Damn, Foyer should be glad for Leon Corella. If he went through with that Shootfire would have severed their relationship with us and Foyer would be in jail.

RM: Well, I don't know where this streak in Foyer is coming from, but you can feel he and Leon Corella will interact again before too long. Chazz, we're going to try to move on from that sickening display to the DCWL Sirens Champion and the SOW Heavenly Champion. Fiona Casey and Sierra Browne have been preparing this meeting for weeks and tonight, the two federations will have one Women's Champion. "Lady Irish" versus "The Alpha Bitch!" Take it, Buckley!




WINNER and UNIFIED CHAMPION: Sierra Browne (The Truth, 10:04)

RM: And Browne unifies the championship!

CC: And what did I tell you? The experience and conditioning of "The Show" trumped the speed and wiliness of Casey.

RM: Uh, Chazz... You never said that, nor did you predict a winner...

CC: I'm sure I implied it.

RM: Congratulations to Sierra Browne... and in a bit of late breaking news, she's been been named as a challenger for the BHC International Championship by the NJWF!

CC: Wow, she could collect some serious hardware here.

RM: Naturally, the DCWL and the NJWF are in negotiations to secure a time and place for the match, and we've also got some late-breaking news about the DCWL Dangerous Championship. For the first time ever the Dangerous Championship will be defended outside the DCWL! Kyle Hayden has extended an invitation to Marcus Davis and SOW for a Dangerous title shot against the new champion Sledge to take place at a future SOW Sundown card!

CC: 'Bout time. The notion of Mario Speedwagon holding that belt again gives me the jibblies.

RM: And speaking on championships, it's main event time. Unique Element have been Trios Champions for three months now since "Overdrawn at the Memory Bank," and their only loss has come from the team they are facing tonight back at "Ark of Triocalypse."

CC: And that match went to the judges.

RM: So tonight the issue is about to be settled. Countouts have been waived, but disqualification and the time limit draw are still in effect. Wolf Masterson, Mina Eyre, and Joe Pansac challenge Gunderson, Wilson and Lindsay for the Trios Championship!




WINNERs and STILL CHAMPION: Unique Element (Aaron Wilson d. Wolf Masterson, 18:59)

CC: What a slugfest that turned into!

RM: Unique Element defeat Horrorshow, but it looks like the tension is building here!


CC: I'm thinking we've got two of the best trios in the world right here in the DCWL and it would be foolish to think that this could be it between these two great teams. We already saw two great matches between them.

RM: That may be, Chazz, but Unique Element's next title defense is set for "The Devil Wears Lycra" when they take on Big Mike Foyer and his team to be named later.

[The members of Horrorshow encourage the chants of the crowd, while Unique Element seems to be seriously considering the possibilities.]

[Suddenly the New Main Street Killas swarm the ring again!]

[And promptly get beaten down by Horrorshow and Joe Pansac's assorted plunder.]

RM: Wait a minute, the Killas have the Trio belts!

[Unique Element joins in the beatdown of the New Main Street Killas. Suddenly Joe Pansac liberates one Trio belt from Ert Williams. Before he can react, Aaron Wilson is in his face and the brawl begins again!]

RM: It's chaos in the ring! We have a brawl between the champs and the challengers!

CC: And they're stepping in the New Main Street Killas!


[...The Camera opens upon Leon Corella, stalking the parking lot and still in full ring gear.  In his hands is the infamous black and gold Sledgehammer.  Intense anger burns in those eyes as he scrutinizes every detail, looking for the slightest thing out of place.]

CC: ...Well apparently our cameras are up and running in the parking lot and we have more Corella on BMF action...

RM: Nothing good ever comes out of parking lots.

CC: Especially Kevin Alloy's Nissan Cube.

[...Suddenly, from a darkened corner facing him, several blindingly bright lights fire up from a massive black and chrome 1971 Chevy 1500k King Cab littered with KC light kits!  The engine roars to life and the tires squeal as it barrels dangerously torwards The DCWL Grand Champion!]



[...Leon leaps forward, rolling across the hood of a nearby car to narrowly avoid being creamed by the oncoming truck.  As it speads off, the camera zooms in on the rear bumper tag, which read "BMF BADAZ" leaving little doubt as to who the driver was.  Leon rolls off that hood, and to his feet, glowering as the truck sped out of the parking lot and away...]

RM: Good God that was close!

[...Suddenly he rears the hammer back and slams it down upon the concrete, producing a crack on impact!]

CC: Uh... he's already gone, Leon...

RM: That's all the time we have!  This has been "The Year We Make Contact!"  For Christian Chazz, Hollywood Panzerotti, and Blaze Crimson, I'm Rich Manning! We'll see you at the Klezskavanian Cultural Social Club Society of Seattle, Washington on February 3 for "Contains Spoilers!"

[...The scene fades out on Leon standing there, still glaring at a truck that was no longer even in the same town at his point...]

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